Music Strums and One Sided Love

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Paul was too close to George today, every second he was in his face smiling about something. George was feeling a little claustrophobic, obviously something was up. "What's wrong with you today?" he spat finally, physically pushing Paul away from him. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you, more like! Here i've been, worrying about you for a week! You keep spacing out and don't get excited when I introduce new songs to you. George, are you being bullied again? Are you depressed?" Paul quickly pulled George into an uncomfortable hug, pulling him down to his level and stroking his hair. "George you can tell me anything, anything at all, you know." he cooed, continuing to embrace him. George noticed some boys snickering as they walked by and his cheeks grew red.  "Quit it!" He announced, removing himself from Paul. Paul looked a little hurt. "Paul, we're not little kids, you need to stop doing that. Especially in public." He groaned, rubbing his temples. "Well at least tell me what's bothering you," said Paul "your no fun like this."

George took a deep breath. He knew he couldn't hide this from Paul for long, but there's no way that he could tell him. He was his only friend and he really didn't want to lose him. He'd be completely alone. He quickly thought of an excuse, well, it was more of a distraction. "Paul! I forgot to tell you something!" "If you're trying to avoid the que--" "Rory Storm wants me to go jam with him." "WHAAAAAAAAT!?"

"Ring him, ring him, ring him, ring him, ring him!" Pleaded Paul, begging at George's feet. The two sat on George's bed and were meant to be doing homework. But Paul wouldn't shut up about Rory Storm. "U-um, fine. But don't rush me, ok?" George answered. The two boys went downstairs to the phone and Paul sat on the chair next to it while George dialed Ringo's number. He was going to have to try to remain cool in front of Paul, he didn't want him to suspect anything. It rung a couple times and suspense started to tug at George's poor heart. Finally someone picked up and there was a short pause. "Hello?" croaked Ringo's familiar voice. George's heart just about burst with relief and he couldn't help but smile. Once he noticed Paul was watching him however, he pulled a funny face at him. "Hi." He replied to Ringo. "George? Oh, I didn't expect you to call me so soon. Miss me?" He teased. George's face grew warm, and he turned so his back was facing Paul. "....yes." He chuckled. Ringo smiled warmly. "Actually, it's about the jamming thing."
"Ah, of course. What's up?"
"Well, firstly, I don't actually own a guitar to play on."
"That's fine, I can borrow one from a friend for you."
" can play, can't you?"
"Yes! I just don't own a guitar, mine broke!"
"Ok! Haha, calm you pretty voice."
"Anyway, secondly, I have a friend who is also very good at guitar, and a real music fan. Do you think I could bring--"
"As long as it isn't a bird, or that'll distract Rory too much."
"No, no, he's a guy."
"Yeah, bring him along. I might get a little jealous though."
George blushed.

"L-lastly, is there actually a date or time for this jam session?"
"Oh, probably not yet. I'm about to go meet Rory and I could ask for you. And I'll ring you back later, ok?"
"Yeah, around 8? Or 9?"
"Um, my parents wouldn't like that. Could you ring back in the morning?"
"Sure, beautiful."

George smiled. He didn't know how to respond, he didn't want Paul to question their conversation but he didn't want to shut Ringo down. He took a deep breath and took a chance.

"I have to go now. But, I want to finish what we didn't get to last night." He quickly hung up before Ringo could respond. He turned around to Paul who raised an eyebrow.  "Who was that?" he asked. "T-the drummer." stuttered George, failing to sound nonchalant. "You seemed so comfortable. George, could it be possible you made a friend?" asked Paul. "Oh, shut up!" smiled George, turning to go back to his room. "No, I'm proud of you!" He smiled, punching him playfully. "So anyways, am I going to the jam session?" asked Paul.

A couple days later George and Paul walked down a small street neither of them had been down before, George holding out an address on a bit of scrap paper. Both boys were trying a little hard with their outfits, George was wearing a new mustard ruffle shirt he'd found in a second hand store, and Paul was wearing some bold rose tinted glasses. But they were trying to be more 'artistic'. "Here it is." announced George, looking to Paul. Paul pushed open the small door on the end of the eerie street, stepping inside. Both boys were surprised to find a small room, dimly lit by some coloured light bulbs spread across the rims of the ceiling. But they were more surprised to find not Rory Storm and the Hurricanes but just Ringo, talking to some teddy boy stranger. As soon as Paul coughed both of them looked up, revealing that Ringo was actually talking to John Lennon. George and Paul almost left their bodies, Paul gripping onto George's sleeve.

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