I Love You

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"Paul can you stop snogging Linda for three seconds?!" Yelled George, pulling his friend off the american girl by his collar. Paul glared at him. "Why did you do that?!" He hissed, eyes dark. "Because we were supposed to meet Ritchie an hour ago! Do you even care about our drummer?" asked George impatiently. Paul scoffed and forced George to let go of him, regretfully saying goodbye to his girlfriend. "Where the hell is John?!" called George eyes snapping around the room. John burst through the door as if on cue, holding an Elvis magazine in one hand and a smoke in the other. "C'mon boys, time we paid poor Ringo a visit. Jesus you two are slow." He calmly announced, walking to the car. George was fuming as he hurried on after him, making sure Paul was following.

Eventually they made it to the hospital, and as soon as the three boys were alone with Ringo George let his true emotions show. "Ritchie! I missed you so much!" he announced, falling onto Ringo's bed and giving him a hug, carefully because he didn't want to put too much pressure onto him. Ringo smiled warmly, returning the hug. "I missed you too, Georgie." He kissed the younger man's forehead, before looking up at Lennon and McCartney. "How was the signing?" he asked politely. "Boring." replied John quickly. "Well not for me, Linda surprised me by turning up!" smiled Paul. Everyone in the room rolled their eyes, John groaning loudly. "Y'know Ringo, George isn't the only one whos missed ya. We need your help to put up with Paulie here." Joked John. Paul hit him over the head. "Oi! Quit it!" Everyone managed to laugh and talk for awhile, mostly about what they'd done while Ringo had been sick and how much they had missed him. Soon enough Paul and John got the picture that they were third wheeling and left, saying they'd meet up with George at the hotel.

George crawled under the covers of the hospital bed and let Ringo lay his head on his shoulder. They sat like that for a while, in comfortable silence, just embracing each other's company.

"George, I had a dream." breathed Ringo calmly. "Hm?" asked George, playing with Ringo's hair. "Do you remember when we first met?" he asked, sitting up and turning to him. An awkward blush rushed to George's cheeks. "Nooo! I used to be so shy!" complained George, hiding his face from embarrassment. Ringo chuckled. "I thought you were sweet, showin' up to all our shows." he teased, pulling George's hands away from his face. "Noooo, I was so pathetic! I wanted to talk to you for weeks! Oh my god I can't believe I used to think you were some badass, teddy boy hipster who was just too cool to even acknowledge anyone else." Ringo raised an eyebrow, pushing his hair up to resemble a quiff and smirking at George. "And now we'd like to perform Beautiful Dreamer by Rory Storm and the Hurricanes." He said in a deep voice.

George burst into a fit of giggles as Ringo continued to mimic his old self. But his voice quickly changed and he used his fingers to gesture to fake fangs. "Oh, Ringo! Paul hates me! I'm too awkward to talk to anyone else!" he called in an impersonation of young George. "Noooooooo!"  laughed George, burying his face in Ringo's chest. The two laughed it out before Ringo pet George reassuringly.
"Georgie, you were so sweet and innocent."
"Too sweet and innocent! I'm so much better now!"
"Hmmm, I dunno, schoolboy Georgie saving up for his own guitar was pretty cute."

George smashed his lips into Ringo's, but before Ringo could even react he pulled away. Licking his lips whilst staring him in the eye, George managed to make Ringo shiver. "Schoolboy George wouldn't have done that." he smirked. Ringo blushed in return. "Ah, that is true." he admitted. "Or this."

George licked Ringo right across the face. From chin all the way up to forehead.

"EWW!" cried Ringo, pushing off a laughing George.

"What's with you today?" asked Ringo finally, wiping George's saliva onto his sleeve. George sighed. "I just missed you. I'm really happy to be with you right now, is all." he admitted. "I missed you too, ya goof." smiled Ringo, pulling George in for a hug.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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