Finally, We Meet

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The cycle happened for weeks. George would stay late after shifts to watch Ringo from afar, always in the corner of the room. He was becoming a bit more distant, even Paul noticed something was up. The other day he had to miss one of Rory Storm and the Hurricanes shows because he was expected at home, and that bummed him out a little. And Paul noticed that too.

Finally one night George had been asked to stay and close up, leaving just him and the band. His heart was beating fast. Maybe he'd talk to Ringo. But he didn't count on it, Ringo seemed happy and kind but he hadn't engaged in conversation with him yet. Maybe he was an introvert? Maybe he was like him?

As the other band members cleaned up and had a couple drinks, George tidied around upstairs. He went to clean the bathroom when he heard gentle groans of pain coming from inside. He braced himself and slowly pushed open the door. He saw Ringo, rubbing his hands together while all his rings were spread across the sink. Ringo quickly turned and his eye's met George. Wow. His eyes were the most beautiful colour of blue. George was taken back and even gasped aloud.

"Oh, hi there." smiled Ringo warmly. George was still frozen. "I hope I didn't scare you too bad."  George just looked down to Ringo's hands. They were bright red and looked painful. "Oh these? Blisters. We've been playing so often that wearing my rings and gripping those drumsticks really takes a tole." George just looked back up into Ringo's eyes and than left, leaving Ringo in confusion. He quickly turned back after realising what he had done. "U-um, follow me." He said weakly. Ringo picked up all his rings from the sink and did as he was told.
George led him in silence into the dining area, where he went behind the counter and got the rusty old first aid kit. He signalled for Ringo to take a seat at one of the tables, and than joined him whilst opening the box. "So, you missed our last show. You've been at every other one." announced Ringo, finally breaking the silence. George looked up at him with a blush, and they stared at each other for a minute, George in embarrassment. He was actually here, with Ringo, who seemed so calm and natural. " noticed, huh?" stuttered George, getting some tape out. "How could I miss you?" asked Ringo in return. George wasn't sure if that was flirty, so he just laughed awkwardly and blushed more. He took Ringo's hand delicately and started to bandage it up.

"I'm Ringo, by the way." "I know. I mean-- I -- I'm George." He meekly replied back. Ringo relaxed more, putting his head back and letting George do his hands. "Well, George, you must be a real music geek or have a thing for Rory, because honestly I don't think we're good enough to watch as much as you do." He said, sitting back up and looking George strait in the eyes. George, for some reason, was so comfortable with Ringo that he managed to gain some confidence. "It's a little of both really. Cept it's not Rory I like." Ringo was a little surprised by the new tone of voice and laughed. "Wow George, if I weren't such a loser i'd say that you were flirting with me." George felt a jab to the chest. Ringo thought he was a loser? But he was the coolest person he knew.

"You're the coolest person I know." Blurted out George, not taking his eyes away from Ringo's. Ringo paused for a second before chuckling gently. "Your not too bad yourself, George." He winked, taking his now fully bandaged hand and slipping it into George's. The two boys sat there for a minute in comfortable silence, Ringo gently rubbing George's hand with his thumb. George wasn't too sure what was happening, why was this so comfortable and easy? Why did this feel so natural? "I only watch Rory Storm and the hurricanes for you. I think you're an amazing drummer." George confessed, taking Ringo's other hand and beginning to work on it. "Oh really? I've been watching you too. You're pretty cute for a waiter." Ringo smiled. His face heated up, but he just continued his work on Ringo's hands. He was way too embarrassed to look up. "You must have a girlfriend." announced Ringo. Now that made George look up. "Me? No way, girls don't like me." He retorted playfully. Ringo just smiled and placed a hand on George's cheek, causing him to jump. "Well, they are missing out." He whispered tenderly, leaning into George's lips. Holy shit this was really happening! Ringo was going to kiss him! RINGO WAS GOING TO--

"Hey fellas!" Rory yelled coming up from downstairs, followed by the other band members. Ringo quickly pulled away from George, much to his disappointment, and stood up in front of Rory. "We ready to go?" he asked, slipping his rings into his pocket. "Yeah! Hey, how do you like this fella, eh?" He asked, pointing at George. He was clearly a little tipsy. "He's a decent fellow." replied Ringo calmly. "Yeah? I think so too. Hey boy, what's ya name?" asked Rory, sitting himself were Ringo just was. "George." He replied meekly. "Well, George, can ya play anything?" "I dabble on guitar." "Oh! Really, we should all have a jam session sometime! Ringo, give the lad ya number, will ya?" He ordered, slapping Ringo on the shoulder. "Y-yeah, sure." smiled Ringo, pulling out some paper and a pen. He quickly wrote down the number and parsed it to George. "Ok, we're off! See ya around lad!" called Rory, ruffling George's hair and exiting the building. Ringo followed after, giving George a small nod before leaving.

George couldn't slow down his heart, and it only got worse as he looked down at the paper Ringo had given him. Under his number read 'Thanks for fixing my hands, beautiful. See you soon'.

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