Ringo to the Rescue

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Paul and George stared at each other, Paul near tears but staying determined. George looked at his pretty face in confusion, he couldn't even really acknowledge what Paul had just said.

"Paul, what--"

"You heard me!" He yelled, face red with frustration. He wasn't looking at George, he was too upset. He punched the side of the bus stop, than fell onto one of the seats. George slowly sat next to him, and they remained like that in silence for a while. George really still couldn't wrap his head around what Paul said.

"How long?" asked George finally. Paul smiled in defeat. "I don't want to say..." he said, burying his hands into his face. ".....I'm just annoyed. I didn't make a move on you because I saw the way you looked at girls, I thought you were straight. But then I walk in on you and a guy you barely know..." Paul was almost in tears again. George turned to him. He couldn't believe this was happening. Realistically, it all made sense. Paul was rather touchy with George, he thought it was just because Paul was a touchy person, but he was just realising now he didn't act that way with anyone else. Paul could easily have had other friends, but he didn't talk to others because he knew that'd make George uncomfortable. He could have easily had a girlfriend but he only had eyes for George. He could have easily been more, but his feelings for George were holding him back. George felt sick as these thoughts filled his head.

George looked down to Paul with despair. Paul weakly smiled back. "You're blaming yourself, aren't you?" he asked. "What, no! No, no, no, I just--" He paused, he couldn't come up with an excuse. Paul chuckled lightly, sitting up to George's level. "You never blame anyone else for anything." He smiled.

"...Paul, I just don't get why you like me. I'm just your dorky music buddy. You know everything about me and have seen my lowest moments... plus i'm not significantly attractive. I just, why?"
Paul paused for a moment. "You're an amazing, humble artist who will surely be famous one day, and you know me so well, and I find you attractive."

George blushed heavily, this was surreal. Paul looked down to George's lips.

"How long have you and Ringo..." he whispered, getting a little closer. "Um, just today." replied George, getting a little further. Paul put his hand on George's knee. "Hey, George, i'm desperate... Just, just let me kiss you, than i'll leave you alone. Please, George." He said, tears in his eyes. George felt immensely guilty. He knew the pains of unrequited love, he never knew he was hurting his best friend in that way. He could do this one thing for Paul, right? He'd already kissed a guy today, it wasn't so hard... besides, he did love Paul, he'd done so much for him over the years.

So, George squeezed his eyes tight and shoved his face into Paul's, their lips colliding.

He felt Paul leaning in, immediately dominating in their kiss. He placed both his hands on George's cheeks, pulling him closer. This kiss was a lot more intense than Ringo's, and just as George was feeling claustrophobic Paul pulled away. He didn't look any happier. He looked sadder, if possible. "S-sorry." Paul announced, standing up. He keep his eyes away, and took a deep breath. "I'll leave you alone now." he informed, walking off. "Paul, wait, you don't have to go!" George yelled after him, but Paul ignored his calls and disappeared home. George felt another pang of guilt wash over him. He didn't even mean to attract Paul, honestly. He'd acted so pathetic around him at times, George was amazed that the attraction was possible.

He slowly got up that morning and waited outside Paul's house on his bike. After a while Mike walked out, ready for school, and looked at him in surprise. "Oh, hi George. Paul left ages ago." he informed, surprised by George's presence. George was shocked. Paul really was going to 'leave him alone now'. He rode with Mike to his school, than pressed onto his own high school. It was terrible. The day pressed on so slowly, breaks especially long as George sat alone behind the school. He missed Paul so much, and he was doing a good job of hiding. At the very end of the day they had a class together, and George finally saw him. From across the room they briefly made eye contact. Paul looked terrible, his hair was all over the place and he had bags under his eyes. As soon as he saw George he shivered and turned away, joining a group of girls at their desks. George tried not to show his jealousy and sat alone, deciding he'd fall asleep this class.

School finally, finally ended and George rode home in a state of depression. Once he reached the house he flopped onto the couch, feeling like he had absolutely no energy. His eyes scanned the room before landing on the home phone. He suddenly got the urge to call the only person who could make him feel better.

"Are you busy now?"
"Yes. Ringo I want to see you."
"Oh, yeah i'm free. Is there a place you want to meet?"
"My family won't be home for a while, you can come over if you want."
"That sounds great, what's the address?"

George sat in his living room, staring at the ground waiting patiently. Soon he heard the loud noises of a motorbike pull up outside his house, and he ran to the window. He couldn't believe what he was seeing! Ringo Starr was riding a motorbike, he himself covered in black leather and wearing a choker and shades!

    Thought George.

Ringo was about to knock, but George opened the door too fast. "Ringo!" squealed George, embracing him quickly. He smelt of cheap cologne, but it was familiar and George just squeezed the older man tighter. "Woah, George! Are you ok?" asked Ringo, patting his back. George looked up at Ringo, not letting go of his waist, and suddenly couldn't stop crying. The tears fell uncontrollably as Ringo's face twisted with concern. "Shh, shh, let's go talk it out." He cooed, closing the front door and guiding George to the couch. The two sat down, Ringo's hand still rubbing George's back.

"Paul hates me." Cried George, wiping his tears into a tissue. "All today he avoided me, he's my only friend Ringo." "Just tell him that we were fooling around, and that you're not a queer." suggested Ringo. "Oh, no, he's not upset about that."

George explained the whole story to Ringo, who listened attentively. "Wow, what are the chances of that." thought Ringo aloud. "Hm?" "You're not even queer, yet two boys like you. I wonder if there are any more." laughed Ringo. "Oi, stop it!" George laughed, playfully punching him. "Sorry, sorry!" Ringo apologized, as the two boys laughed together. It seemed like bliss for a moment.
"What about you, Ringo? Are you queer?" asked George, leaning his head on Ringo's shoulder. This caused Ringo to jump a little, but he quickly calmed down and hid his blush. "No. Not fully. I just like nice people." he answered, playing with George's hair. "I've only been with one guy before you." he added. George froze. Should he tell Ringo he was a virgin? That Ringo had taken his first kiss? That he'd never dated before? He decided against it.

"What's your real name?" he asked, sitting up and facing him. "Richard. But you can call me Ritchie, luv." He winked. George leaned forward and whispered, "Ritchie." Ringo placed a hand on George's knee. "You look nice in your school uniform." He teased. George's face fell flat. "Shut up and kiss me."

Ringo did as he was told, pushing George down onto the couch and crawling on top of him. Their lips met and Ringo slipped in his tongue faster than last time, surprising George. George let Ringo perform his magic, providing him all kinds of pleasure. Ringo pulled away, giving himself a couple seconds on panting, before diving into George's neck. He started to kiss and bite, slowly undoing George's tie and collar, making his way down to George's bony collarbone. "R-ringo...!" George gasped, not having experienced this kind of thing before. He felt his pants tightening with Ringo's knee dangerously close to his genitals. "Ah-h!"

Ringo took a break and pulled back, looking down at panting George. Hair all messy, shirt mostly unbuttoned and looking up at him in bewilderment and excitement. Ringo smiled, proud of his work. "That's enough for now, Georgie." He decided, getting off of him. George blused at the new nickname. "You're amazing, Ritchie." commented George, voice full of affection. Ringo smiled at him. "So, you got to study or something? When are you folks getting home?" he asked. "Soon, I suppose." "Well, I had better head off now."

George walked Ringo to the door and opened it for him. He watched Ringo climb aboard his motorbike and start to strap on his helmet. "Wait!" he called, running onto the lawn. Ringo stopped, waiting for the younger lad to run to his side. "Ringo, a-are we like, a thing now?" he asked, to which Ringo chuckled. "Would you like to be?" George simply nodded. "Than I guess you're my boyfriend, babe." He winked. George smiled stupidly. He bent over and gave Ringo a peak on the cheek, before running back to the house. "BYE!" He called as Ringo drove away, chest all warm and fuzzy.

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