4 | Let It Out: Part 1

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The Soulmate Initiative


It's a crazy plan or a bad plan. Either way, it's eccentric and absolutely stupid. It's our only option at this point. One wrong move and everything falls to sh*t. Then we'll all lose. The figure turns to the right of the street, I begin chasing after the figure with my weapons and target ready. 

There's a sudden cliff of the bridge and the figure is already on the other side. I jump, my body defying gravity for a few seconds. Soon, in one fall I'm dead. Everything goes black.

Rhodey laughs in triumph as he sets the controller down on the glass coffee table. The screen shows a bright Player Two Wins! "Ha!" he cheered "I beat you, Tony!"

Of course, of course, Rhodes beat me in Let It Out. "Well done, War Machine," I said with a smile, I lean back on the grey linen couch and sigh. We played for at least 2 hours straight now. My phone buzzes and the name Nick Fury comes on screen. I pick up.

"Hello?" I say.

"Tony, it's Nick." 

"Yeah I know, you're name was on my screen." I hear a sigh from the other end of the phone. 

"You gotta meet me at Harley Café ASAP. It's the one that's closest to you down the street," he explained, he then hung up, I tell Rhodes I got to be somewhere so I change into more presentable clothes than Spiderman pyjamas. I grab my wallet, phone and keys and head off.


I enter Harley's Café, it's cute with the plush black leather seats, which are comfortable and fake marble tables the sun is pouring through the wooden windows. There are plants in corners with paintings and quotes of food and drinks. 

There are a sensation and aroma of coffee and tea filling the room. There are sounds of forks and cups clinking, machines pressing and chatter amongst the sea of people. I spot Fury in a booth in a corner next to a window. I sit down, Nick looks up at me then points to the counter.

"What?" I said, turning to his direction.

"-Rogers works here now."

Rogers. Steve Rogers. 

"And?" I said, raising an eyebrow.

"He's doing this to make-up his crimes he did last year. I'll explain more of it another day, but today..." he pulled out some files and pushed them towards me "I'm going to talk about the Soulmate Initiative."

Ah, so the capsule works here now, does he?

I look at him then at the files, "okay, do you just put some fancy word and put initiative after it to make it look professional or something?" I said, leaning forward a bit more. Nick continues, "The S.I, Soulmate Initiative, is something that SHIELD has recently made from experiments. We need the Avengers to do it. Two Avengers, to see and find their soulmate. The process is difficult and a little bizarre." Nick explained.

"So, you want me to like...find my soulmate or whatever?" I said, Nick nods and turns the sheets towards me, so I can read it properly. "Everything you need to know is in here. But before you leave, tip our waiter." Nick said, getting up and leaving while smiling at me. I looked at him, confused but a mean already comes up to me and sets down my favourite type of coffee.

"One coffee for, Tony?" the man read out. I look up, it's Steve Rogers. Serving me a coffee? 

"Rogers," I greet him. He hasn't changed much. He still has that blonde-brown hair and blue-green eyes and muscular figure. Maybe he does deserve a tip. Then...I just realised that Nick ordered this prior to our meeting. He wanted Steve and me to meet up today. I slide him $10 and give him a warm smile. He gives me a questioning look but takes it.

I take a sip of my coffee. Hold on.

Nick knows my preferred coffee! He knew that Steve would know as well!

That son of a b*tch.


I look through the files and the process seems difficult but immensely fun. I would like to see who my soulmate is. Maybe it's Pepper, even though we broke up. So, Steve is working in a coffee shop? 

How cute.

I look back at the sheets and continue reading.


This is the process of finding your soulmate. SHIELD has created advanced Technology for the process. SHIELD has created something called the 'Finder', it's a watch-like device that is activated once you get physically or emotionally closer to your soulmate. 

It will give you hints and clues of your soulmate. Example: age, eye colour, height etc. It is also activated when you do something that your soulmate likes or something that you like. This could mean work, reading, talking, kind actions etc.

Instructions to use the 'Finder':

- Type name into SHIELD-given email.

- Charge it

- Type one positive about yourself

- Type one negative about yourself

- Give fingerprint

- Done!

If you want to sing up please contact any SHIELD agent or operative. 

Or email here: shield.si.email.com

Seems fun, maybe I'll do it.

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