Oh, my traveler

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"Oh! I can't wait to see Varian again.." Name exclaimed tracing her finger over the leather cover of the book she was reading.

Soft smile graced her elegant features as her eyes told stories of the old. She was all alone in a carriage to Old Corona, oh how she missed that place ever since she left it... she wondered if it changed, but she doubted it. After all Old Corona was the only place that never went through changes..

"I hope Varian will be happy to see me.." she looked at her book solemnly, afraid it might not be the case anymore.

Name sighed looking at her open palms that rested onto of the book on Astronomy, Astronomical: story of the universe. She took a breath and parted her lips, letting her voice dance across the carriage.

"Stars please glim and glow," she sang as her body clouded in black. "Light my dark away," her figure dotted with glowing dots."Help me when I'm lost,
Heal me if I'm hurt.. Shield me from my fate,
Guide those with no path..." whole carriage darkened as her hair glowed a soft white. "Promises are made, they seem as strong as steel,
But corrosive is their fate, Shake me at the rear,
They all start to break..." stars started to die out as the night seeped into her moon like eyes. "Shatter my glass heart, Kill the illusionist, Push my stone felt body off the cliff." She stopped for a moment. "I gave my dream away. Let the darkness seep into my veins, I felt my body creak and ache, as I'm falling too deep, deeper than the sea.. There's just one thing I regret! The words I left unspoken, will bother me to my death.." her voice faded as everything went back to normal.

Carriage suddenly hit something as the nervous sounds of horses and shouts of frightened teamster filled Name's ears. She flung herself halfway through the carriage door, holding onto the doorknob so to not fall out. A shaky breath stolen from her as she saw her what became of her childhood memory, Name stepped outside as in trance.

"I'm really sorry for this miss! They grew out of nowhere!" Teamster tried to explain himself but Name shook him off.

"I will walk the rest of the way, let them know that I arrived safely." She ordered.

"Are you sure M'lady?" He asked for confirmation.

"Yes, I am quite certain." Name nodded.

"As you wish," Teamster bowed and got the horses to calm, turning the carriage back from where they came.

Name waited a few seconds than jumped onto the steep ground of the hill, sliding down it as soft cusses escaped her lips. "Please be fine.." she mumbled, tears swarming in her eyes like set of angry honey bees trying to kill a Japanese hornet.

"VARIAN!" She called out with all her might as tears flew behind her. "VARIAN!" She called again, this time more desperate as she dodged the growing stalagmites. "VARIAN!" Her voice cracked as she cried once again in desperation, falling in front of a house broken down from inside. Tears scorched her cold cheeks as she sucked in a breath for one last shout. "VVVAAARRRIIIAAANNN!" She screeched an almost shriek like desperate cry for help, that just wasn't coming.

Suddenly a boy rushed out of the house and Name whimpered as his turquoise streak of hair bounced in her glossy eyes. She propelled herself upwards, tackling him to the ground in a hug as she buried her face in his chest. Boy groaned in pain upon impact with the ground and started struggling.

"Get off me you filthy-" he stopped as he saw Name's white, almost holographic, streak of hair. "Name?" He questioned unsure.

Name nodded against his chest. "I-i.. crystals... you.. lose.." she rumbled, unable to speak from overwhelming and sudden relief she felt.

Suddenly Varian pushed her away, pain surging through his body. "I'm sorry for having to ask this of you when you only just arrived, but I have to request you to leave." Varian solemnly exclaimed as his heart squeezed at the girl's hurt look of shock.

"What... do you mean?" She asked shakily.

"You'll get in trouble if you are seen with me." He admitted.

"I don't care, whatever you did, I don't care..." she reached her hand for his cheek. "I am not leaving you Varian, where is you father? I am sure he can help us-"

"He is crystallized! And... and it's my fault." Varian bit his quivering lip.

"Oh, well I am sure if you tell me what is happening I can help you! Please, put your trust in me Varian.. I promise you, I will not betray you." Name held Varian's hand as if no time at all had passed.

Varian chuckled drily. "I had to walk a thorny road because of a promise I was given already. I am not repeating that mistake." He shook his head closing his eyes.

Name glared at him before her hands went black. "I call the darkness up to me, from deepest depths of earth and sea, to make a promise, that I wish, to unbreakable vow I submit." Her irises and pupils cast a white light in the void of black of the rest of her eye. Varian's scared sea foam eyes shivered at the sight as his friend went back to looking normal. "Now I can't break it, if I do I will face the consequences."

"You... you have powers?" He shakily asked.

Name nodded. "I had them since birth, I just... I didn't know how to invoke them back when we were young.." name sadly smiled.

"Why did you come?" He asked her,
afraid for her safety because of the things he was doing.

Name looked at him with a bright smile and glistening softness that were her tears, surprising the boy who has gotten used to the dark glares and bitter spit. "I wanted to see you.." she admitted gently looking at his hand that she was holding, feeling it as if to remember the shape of the glove that covered it.

"Bet you regret that," Varian snarked.

Name shook her head lightly, gripping Varian's hand as her smile went even softer along with her loving look. "Wouldn't change my mind for the world," her words floated gracefully in the air like snowflakes... beautiful and perfect yet so fragile and surreal.

Varian blushed softly. "Let's go inside before everything goes to hell.. I have to tell you what we are up against, and what I will do.." he glared at the floor helping Name up as she nodded.

To all of our broken stars (Varian x star! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now