My moon, I have come to your aid

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Name looked over the course and calculated the time limit once more. "This is way too easy. Make it three times harder and cut the time in half." She calmly stated as Cassandra stared at her, whilst Pete and Stan made the course as much harder as she told them to.

"There is no way you can complete it in that time," Cass crossed her arms.

"Want to place a bet on that?" Name smirked. "Just watch me," name put her body in the position, keeping her eyes on the target as Cassandra sighed and gave the sign to start.

Name leapt over the high walls like they were rocks on the ground and she easily maneuvered over the and under the obstacles. When she slid through the finish line exactly half of the clock had passed and everyone stared astonished.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Rapunzel went to hug Name who almost flinched at the touch.

"Thank you princess, but it's much less then my daily training is." Name forced her lips to stretch into a polite smile.

"Less?" Cassandra raised a brow. "Why train so much?" She questioned, suspicious.

"Ah! Well it was required of me as a part of higher education I received. I had to proportionally build my brain to my strength." Name smiled scratching her eyebrow.

Suddenly Eugene walked past and the sentence got him thinking. "Than you must've studied in Valencia, they are the only country with an education system like that," he pointed out and Name nodded.

"How would you know that?" Cassandra crossed her arms eyeing Eugene as he shrugged.

"You pick a few things up along the way, anyway did I get it?" Eugene looked at Name who nodded.

"Yes, I lived there after moving from Old Corona," Name rubbed her forearm. "But than I started traveling and decided it would've been nice to revisit my childhood town... guess that could've gone better," she let out a bitter chuckle.

Rapunzel felt awful. If she hadn't promised anything or if she kept her promise to Varian, he would've still been a kid Name once knew, the kid Rapunzel only started to meet. A kid who loves science but doesn't think much before doing things, kid with a father, kid reunited with his childhood friend... he could've had his childhood, but because of her he won't have it or anything else for that matter. His life will be spent behind prison bars, with no sunlight or good food or any form of fun..

"After your shift as the guard today you will see Varian," Cassandra explained interrupting Rapunzel's train of thought.

"Wait... Varian... what is happening Blondie?" Eugene asked looking at Rapunzel who bit her lip.

"Name is childhood friend of Varian's... she will be working as a royal guard here... but I thought that maybe she can help Varian go back to the right path..." Rapunzel explained.

Name's stomach growled dangerously as it did a flip, boiling becoming unbearable. How dare this bitch act like she cares about Varian? She made a promise she wouldn't be able to keep under any circumstance, and then broke it when Varian needed her the most... she made the final blow on him multiple times. Including with her power... name couldn't forgive that. She wasn't of forgiving nature and Rapunzel wasn't doing anything to make her spite ease.

"Blondie, I know you see good in everyone, but did you consider the possibility that she may try to break him out?" Eugene whispered.

"I will not do such thing, sir. I will not try to break him out because I understand the decision behind his sentence was hard to make, but it was a righteous one, one backed up by law." Name stood and spoke like a soldier.

"She was willing to make an oath by alchemy, Eugene, she won't go against law.." Cassandra explained.

"What's oath by alchemy?" Eugene questioned.

"The person brews a potion that they inject in their bloodstream while saying the vow. The potion acts as a poison if person breaks the oath. Depending on the weight of the oath made it can go from losing one's finger or one's senses and emotions all the way to dying." Name declaimed.

"Wow... all that for breaking a promise?" Eugene questioned.

"A broken promise is worse than saying 'I love you' while piercing someone's heart with a sword," Name explained as Rapunzel bit her lip, hugging her arms in guilt.

She should feel guilt, Name bitterly thought as she gave a quick glare to Rapunzel. Thankfully the princess didn't take notice of the glare of the girl who's stomach was boiling and who's thirst for blood was deepening.

"Either way, you'll go with Pete and Stan to patrol the castle before your session with Varian," The head guard ordered and Name bowed.

"It will be an honor, sir." She said excusing herself and going with the two guards to patrol.

•time skip•

Name grind her teeth as she glared at the two guards. "For stars sake! Can you two stop bickering?! I think I saw something!" Name whisper-yelled as she got low to investigate the odd shadow she saw approaching in a run.

Guards stopped their bickering just as the shadow was second from being directly under them. Name jumped pinning whoever it was to the ground. She twisted their arm behind their back. Name got their blade with her teeth and spat it far away smirking.

"You chose a bad day to steal, my friend," she smirked as the thief struggled.

"Let me go!" He tried to free himself.

"No way in moon I'm doing that," Name said cuffing him as she got his bag to search for what he stole. "Black leather cover with silver writing and blue diamonds edition of the Physics through the universe? You have good taste," name smirked. "But not enough skill," she added as the guards finally got there.

"How did you see him from that far away?!" Pete asked panting.

"His movements, he was looking around and acting as if in a rush," Name explained pushing the man to Pete and throwing the book at Stan. "I will check in a little earlier, see ya boys!" She flished her hip, turning around, waving as she left for the castle to give a report of the day.

"See you around, Name!" Pete enthusiastically waved before letting out a dreamy sigh. "She is the real deal, don't you think Stan?" He leaned on his spear holding the thief.

"She sure is something else," Stan admitted. "Now let's go get him to the cell, and get this book where it belongs." Stan rushed Pete towards the dungeons.


"Princess, I come here with the daily report," name got on one knee, bowing her head.

"I'm listening," Rapunzel smiled.

"We broke up a fight that started in city square, we found out the culprit behind the missing shortcakes, it was the goat. And we also caught a thief trying to steal Physics through the universe," Name briefed her report.

"Wow, seems like you had a busy day," rapunzel chuckled.

"It was nothing much your highness. Nothing Pete, Stan and I couldn't handle on our own..." Name rose, still bowing her head. "If I may be so bold to request to see Varian now, your excellency." Name finally looked at Rapunzel who nodded.

"Yes, I will take you there." She decided finally.

To all of our broken stars (Varian x star! Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin