Who is right

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Name walked towards the castle, her composure regained, looking like a soldier she was raised to be. Name wasn't a princess, she wasn't a damsel, she was a warrior trained to fight and kill. She enjoyed the sight of blood around and on her, it's smell that seeped into her pores, the feeling it left on her skin, it's taste when she cut someone in half whilst letting out her battle cry. Blood... everyone bled the same, she was going to show that to Corona. How their royal blood is no different from the blood of the criminals living under it.

Name took her sword out, carrying it besides her as she observed the situation in front of her with no emotion. Princess Rapunzel, hair to the throne of Corona, was about to have her head cut of by a guy she didn't notice as of yet.

Name flung her body into action, her sword, made of the first crystal she ever formed on her own, clashed with the man's. In that moment, in front of her wasn't some failed assassin, she imagined this was Rapunzel herself. Her eyes and grin went maniacal as she pinned the man to the ground under her foot, drawing blood from his neck with slight pressure from the tip of her sword.

"Show some gameplay, scum. If you want to kill someone go front, especially if it's a princess in question," she spat

"Wow, wow! Wait! Don't kill him!" Rapunzel squeaked, her brain catching up to what went down.

Name gave her a blunt stare as the Princess exceeded Name's expectation on her stupidity and naiveness. "He tried to kill you, your majesty." Name kept staring, able to keep herself from saying anything else.

"And he will answer for that to my father," Rapunzel explained as the guards came for the man. "But I don't think you shall answer for harming him while you were saving me." She smiled making Name's stomach turn in disgust as it boiled in her.

"Princess! Are you alright?" Worried guard asked as Name moved so they'd get the man.

"Yes, I am, thank you Pete." She smiled again, Name's boiling getting ever so worse.

"You got excellent reflexes if I may notice," head guard smiled at Name.

"Why thank you, I just wish it was useful in some job... you see I happen to be looking for one.." Name went all in on her cards while keeping her poker face.

"Well, if you pass the test than I have no problem recruiting you as the royal guard!" The mustached man told her as the black haired female scoffed.

"We don't even know her! She could be trouble! Remember Axel?!" She suddenly snapped.

"I will gladly fight you to show you that I am worthy, and I will make an oath by alchemy so that if I break my promise I will die if necessary for earning your trust." Name bowed slightly to the female who found herself stunned.

"Wow! That's some confidence. If you are willing to go that far to prove your honesty," Name nodded with her hands on her back. "you have earned my respect and trust so that won't be necessary," Cassandra grinned. "but I do look forward to fighting you." These people were idiots.. they were so naive and easy to fool.. Name couldn't believe she even gave them as much credit as she did.

"Oh! I have one more thing before you let me take that test... what.. what happened to Old Corona?" I asked as if she was remembering it just now, making her voice quiver at the name.

"Why are you asking us that? Don't you know?" Cassandra glared suddenly.

"Well I do know that those rocks are some sort of mechanism of darkness, but I don't know much... I just arrived in this kingdom looking for my friend Varian... he wasn't home, and when we are on the topic of his home, it was really broke down and his father was in an amber like crystal, but the crystal must've been indestructible or something because my sword and some bombs couldn't break it.." Name made her voice waver in fake worry as Rapunzel bit her lip, exchanging looks with Cassandra. "Wait... you know something about Varian?!" Name asked "surprised", tears of "relief" filling her eyes. "Please tell me! I would give anything to see him again.." Name looked down.

Rapunzel thought for a moment. "Maybe having someone from his past be there for him would help him change for the better?" She glanced at Cassandra who glared.

"No way, Raps.. it's too risky. Even tho she was willing to do that oath thingy, she still may try to free Varian, or he could pull something to escape." She crossed her arms shaking her head.

"Is.. is Varian in trouble?" Name asked getting stern. "He always got in trouble as a child because of his curiosity... I lectured him so many times but it never stayed with him for too long." She shook her head in disapproval.

"He is in prison for kidnapping the queen, trying to kill the royal family, treason, theft from great vault and endangering citizens of Corona, along with few other smaller things he did." Cassandra blantly explained.

"I... This is all my fault... I should've stayed in Old Corona.. I should've stayed with... him.." Name looked down rubbing her forearm as Rapunzel felt guilt wash over her.

The golden haired girl put a hand on Name's shoulder giving a reassuring smile. Princess's touch felt like hot iron on her skin. Name used up all her self discipline not flinch in disgust of the gesture. "I am sure you can help him-"

Name shrug Rapunzel's hand and got on one knee bowing her head like a knight. "I will not help him, unless you wish me to. Whatever he had done, I will serve to fix the damage he had caused while he serves his sentence."

Shock washed over Princess's features as she looked at the girl in front of her. No older than Varian himself, brilliant fighter with a "big heart" and unconditional but stern love for her friend.. she was like Cassandra, but at the same time her strong "compassion" differentiated her from Cass. She wasn't just a warrior, you could see on her face all the books she read, all the education she received, all the "empathy" she held. Rapunzel stood there unable to find the right words to say to this wonderful being but than they came naturally.

Of course, Rapunzel was seeing a mask that Name put on to get to the kingdom. Amazing fighter was a plus in Cassandra's book. Empathy was a plus in Rapunzel's bullet journal. Her seeming lack of wish to get her friend out of the jail was a plus when it came to Corona. It was a perfect mask, no matter which angle you looked it from. Beauty was not in the eye of the beholder this time, it was in the universal perfection of knowing your enemies.

"Than I have no choice but to declare you my loyal knight. And as my knight you will work in the guard, after you pass the test, and will also help Varian recover his former self from before he lost himself to hatred," She solemnly declared as Name looked at her with a soft smile.

"Thank you princess, I won't disappoint you." But I will exceed your expectations of me, Sunshine.

To all of our broken stars (Varian x star! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now