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Name woke up sore all over whilst her waist was hugged by Varian. She smiled and moved his hair from his face before smelling iron and remembering she bled here last night. She sighed exhausted and got Rudviger replacing her waist for the furry creature that Varian immediately nuzzled.

She smiled at his sleeping figure and drew a rune, Reparo, on the bloody floor as blood started to disappear. She did the same to her dress as it was clean and nonripped.

Name took a step back admiring how well everything cleaned and fixed and then set on the bed releasing the two previous runes as guards didn't seem to notice anything changed. She sighed again, tired and sore. She healed the wounds to the point that they wouldn't bleed, but rest was down to her body's natural competence and boy was it useless.

When she got the supplies and a little free time she will put a few stitches and bandage this... what's worse is that she knew the amount of blood Varian drunk wasn't enough to sustain his body for long... she ate three humans when her hunger really started... of course it didn't help that her mother made her suppress her own powers for so many years... but still, for Varian it might be even worse... she will need to find a way to sneak in enough blood, because that seems to be what his body needs, to finally feed him enough. After that he probably won't require it, but if he does a gulp or two will be enough, and Name would gladly give him her own blood in those cases.

Guard knocked harshly on the cell pipes as Varian jumped up from his sleep, along with startled Name. "It's time to leave for your shift as a guard, lover girl," Guard joked slightly and Name forced a dry giggle out of her throat.

"Right away, sir," she nodded and got up smiling as she helped sleepy Varian up. "See you tonight," she grinned and he sleepily nodded.

"See you, Nickname..." he smiled back as she left.

Name felt awful leaving him there just like that, but for now, until she gains Corona's full trust, she has to keep a low profile. She needs to know the secret passageways and other things Corona might've hidden just like their princess and her powers.

Name waved at the ladies in waiting as she walked out of the dungeons and through the hall to give another report to Rapunzel. She was told Rapunzel was brushing her hair in her room, so Name went there and knocked.

"Come in!" A cheerful voice that made Name sick to her stomach called out.

Name turned the doorknob and stepped inside. "I came to give my report about Varian's condition," Name put her hands on her back as Rapunzel eyed her.

"Why are you wearing a nightgown?" Rapunzel questioned, grinning because she thought Name looked adorable like that.

Name looked down at herself realizing she hadn't changed into the daywear. "Because guard uniform is too clunky and heavy and also not very useful," Name explained her reasoning.

"It provides safety from bullets and swords, I think that's useful," Rapunzel pointed out.

"Against regular swords? Yes, but against alchemy induced swords and bullets I'm afraid to say it's useless. Plus the design is very bad because it's a one part thing and it's dead weight," Name wouldn't budge with her opinions.

"How do you know that?" Rapunzel folded her hands, curious.

"I can show you on a test with my sword and my gun if you don't believe me, but I do have experience in armor making." Name said pulling out and waving around a hand drawn catalogue like journal with the armor she designed.

Rapunzel grinned clapping her hands. "Than you can show me that, and if it turns out to be the case you can help make new designs for the armor!" Rapunzel cheered and Name bowed.

"As you wish, your highness," she complied. "I will get dressed in my 'casual armor'." Name bowed again exiting the room as she bumped into Cassandra. "Oh, greetings, Cassandra!" She bowed slightly. "Still looking forward to that match?" Name smirked.

"You bet your cute little cheek I am," Cassandra smirked back. "See you at training grounds at lunch, and don't be late," Cassandra warned.

Name grinned bigger. "I have a feeling I'll be there whole day anyway," she said referring to armor tests as she walked away.

Name claimed on a rooftop opening her armor sketchbook and starting to design. She needed something that would be more mobile in combat and running, but also she needed another design for war. Despite being a spy Name was a girl of word and passion. She wouldn't make a faulty armor just because that would assure victory, she loved fair fight more than anything and she never half-assed her projects.

She changed her clothes into a black overlapping dragon skin leather armor, made for traveling, and walked onto the training grounds getting a dummy into a Corona guard armor.

Before she set her experiment in motion Name put a glass jar inside the dummy and got another armor piece cutting it into small pieces and then glueing it on overlapping leather, just to show even that small change could matter. She was left with a bunch of metal that was too much and wasn't needed in the end, so she put it to the side. She stuffed a dummy with a glass jar into the prototype armor just as the princess arrived.

To all of our broken stars (Varian x star! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now