Barer of light

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"So you are telling me, my sweet timid childhood friend also referred to as You, Varian, has committed multiple crimes involving breaking into the castle, high treason, polluting the people with truth serum and more.... and now you are planning on kidnapping the queen to get to her daughter so you can free your father?" Name rumbled as she walked in a circle, waving her finger around.

Varian awkwardly scratched behind his neck. "Yes, that is the plan and yes, that would be me.." he nervously chuckled fidgeting in his place.

"I'm proud." Name put a hand on his shoulder smiling.

"I knew you'd get disappointed- wait what?!" Varian's brain needed time, it didn't have, to process.

"I said I am proud of you, Varian. I do not approve of the way you are going about this, but you are standing up for yourself, showing your most powerful self. Compared to the shy bookish boy I knew? You pulled a 180." Name's smile softened even more as something almost twinkled in Varian's eye. "How may I be of service?" Name asked bowing making a chuckle escape from Varian's lips.

"You may.." Varian brainstormed for what she could do at this point. "Get me these really important flowers that only grow on the outskirts of the kingdom and are so very rare and.. and specific! Ten petal black star orchid, ten petal sun orchid and ten petal moon orchid. I need it for my alchemy potion!" Varian finally managed, not being sure if this even exists.

"Consider it done Varian." Name started to turn to go but then stopped. "Uh! One more thing before I go," she hugged Varian closely. "You aren't alone." Name smiled, running out of the house before Varian got time to react.

Varian reached his hand over his fuming cheeks before his look darkened and he let his hand fall into a clenched fist, his blush disappearing. "I'm sorry, Name... I don't want you to get involved just because I don't have a choice.." He gritted his teeth and went to do the last preparations.

•time skip•

Name was humming softly as she searched for the flowers Varian told her he needed. She already got the sun which was shining brightly, but the star and moon orchids were so much harder to find. Finally she saw them, moon hiding behind a star which gave off a soft shine. She checked the number of petals and concluded that it was indeed ten. She got the shovel and got them out of the ground putting them in two small pots. Name set the pots in her side bag and smiled as she stood up from a crouch.

Before she went back another flower caught her attention. It was just like the moon orchid, yet it felt dark, it was like it sucked in the light that danced in shades of blue and purple across its black petals. It had ten petals as well... Name decided that maybe Varian forgot this one, so she got it in a pot as well putting it in her bag alongside others.

She started walking back to Varian. Name hoped he hasn't yet set his plan in motion, or at least that she would be able to help, even if it was starting to get real dark and she had a long walk back.

A song to pass the time, a melody for a rhyme, the riddle that rolls very fine of that which is thine. There is nothing more calming and disturbing at the same time than words and melody fused into a symphony of a song, or at least that was Name's belief.

Name was finally on the hill just above Old Corona when she froze, feeling of Deja vu coming over her. A silent sight sent shivers down her spine. Spears of darkness stuck out of the ground as dead automatons laid on top of them.

Name screamed Varian's name once more, this time even more desperately, as she run down the hill, again. She tripped over a rock and started tumbling down. Name curled herself in a ball as ground painted her body in blue and red. It tore her dress but she gave it no attention, her body hit a tree, her speed suddenly disintegrating. Air got knocked out of her lungs.

She rushed up. Her vision blackened and her balance was lost, but she kept stumbling on instinct. She finally got to the sight, a graveyard of robots stood in front of her. She took notice of the broken wall, but that wasn't important right now... ripped cloth that laid on the ground, however, was. She picked it up and gnashed her teeth at the sun symbol.

"You'll pay Sunshine... you'll pay dearly... when stars swallow you whole you'll see what you had done to their precious moon.." Name clenched the cloth in her fist as she wiped out her book and ripped the cover open in half revealing a communication device. She turned it on and only seconds later Queen Selena picked up.

"What made you call me, Starlight?" She asked concerned, knowing Name never called for no good reason.

"Corona, they unlocked the power within the once lost princess. She can control the spears of darkness now." Name gnashed as Queen covered her mouth.

"That means your late mother's prediction is coming true... what about the boy? Were is the moon child?" Queen worried.

"He is alive, in Corona's custody, but don't you worry your majesty I will get him, along with all the possible secret information Corona may have been hiding." Name grinned maniacally.

Queen smirked. "Good. I love how your love for that boy became so sharp, like a spear of darkness, and now you are able to kill with it, my cute little Starlight." She giggled and Name smirked.

"Oh my Queen, I can do so much more than just kill with it. Do I have your blessing to proceed?" Name asked getting her voice to business.

"You may do as you please. If Corona refuses to cooperate in the end, tell them Valencia is ready to fight for what we want, for what rightfully belongs to us. And if they don't want their kingdom to be wiped out from existence they better comply." Queen ordered with a grin.

Name bowed her head. "Yes your majesty." She respectfully exclaimed hanging up. "Now let's play guard a little, shall we?"

To all of our broken stars (Varian x star! Reader)Where stories live. Discover now