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On days like this in Manhattan. Kids should be going to school or playing ball. Things wern't like that for Nicola Filin. She had to work...hard and long.... However she wasn't always this way.

Nicola use to live in a small town in Main. She was quite content were she live...that is until her house burned down....and her parents sadly passed. All that was left of Nicola family, was her Grandmother. Nicola had to pack her belongings (what was left of course) and move to the busy city of New York.

Things were well so far, that was until Nicola's Grandmother became deathly ill. She became so sick that she could not even get out of bed.

Nicola consulted the doctors begging them to do something...but they wouldn't because Nicola was too poor.
Enraged, Nicola made a plan "If I find a job somewhere, then I can earn some money and get the treatment Grandma needs." she thought.

Finding a job was tougher than she thought. No one would take a 17 year old girl to work for them. About to give up hope she stumbled across a Newspaper company called The World.

Nicola didn't think it was a good idea to try. So she saddly walked home. Before she got home a boy of about 19 years of age bumped into her. "Excuse me Miss." said the boy.  Nicola walked away. The boy suddenly stopped her again. "Names Morris." he said "what's hours" Nicola ignored the question and walked away. Again the boy stopped her. "You know it is not safe for a lady like you to be out at this time." Morris was now blocking Nicola's way.

"Yeah.." said another voice. "Or you might get hurt".

Nicola was now cornered into a wall. "Leave me alone." she said trying to stay cool.

"Or what?" said Morris

"Police!" Called Nicola "Poli---"

"Not so fast sweetie"

The other boy had covered Nicola's mouth. She became even more frightened. Then there came a groan. From Morris. Someone had punched him in the face, and he was now on the ground. "Hows 'bout lettin' the little lady go?" say a new voice.

"Jack Kelly!"

"Heya fellas."

"What are you doing here?"

"I could certainly ask ya too."

"Thought that you would be back at the Re--"

"Gunna stop ya right there"

With that, the other boy was down. Nicola took a minute to breathe. "Thank you, Mr..."
"The names Jack." he broke in "Jack Kelly" he shook Nicola's hand. "Now what's a Girl like yaself doing out here?"

"Well I was looking for a job."

"Whacha ya need a job for?"

Nicola explained her situation. "Ahh I see" Jack said after she was done. "Well me and da fellas could use some help in da World."

"You work for The World?" Nicola asked

"Yeah I do"

"Do you really think I can help?"

"Sure, ya need a job don't ya?"

Nicola nodded. "Then come with me back to the logding house, stay da night in my Penthouse above the stinking streets of New York."

Nicola wasn't so sure at first... But then she thought about her grandma. Then she thought about Jack's offer. Finally she said. "Alright." Jack smiled and took her up to a roof top with a railing. He found an ichy clothe and told Nicola she could sleep on it. "Oh and before I forget." Jack asked "what's ya name?"

"Nicola" she replied

"Nicola..." repeated Jack sleepily. "Dats a"

Jack fell asleep. Nicola one had ever said her name was beautiful before. She took one deep breath and closed her eyes, thinking about what the new day would bring...

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