Santa Fe

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When Nicola woke, Jack was already awake. She went over to Jack and discovered that he wasn't alone. Jack was accompanied by a small boy that looked to be about 15 years old with a crutch. She down and made sure that she didn't disturb Jack and the other boy.

" Where you going morn'n bell ain't rung yet" Jack said to the boy

" I want to beat the other fellas to the street" said the boy

The boys continued their conversation, at one point the younger boy almost falling of the roof when Jack came to his rescue. Afterwards they broke out into a song, about a place that Jack was talking about, called Santa Fe. Nicola could put only a few words of their duet into mind.

Santa can bet
We won't let them bastid's beat us
We won't beg no one to treat us fare and square.....
There's a life that's worth the livin'.
And I'm gonna do my share.

The younger boy suddenly got excited... To the point where Nicola thought that he would actually walk somehow by miracle. But then he stopped. Jack comforted the boy and told (and by told I mean sang) him to wait until the train made Santa Fe.

After they  finished singing, the boy spotted Nicola. He looked confused when he saw her then he turned to Jack to see if he had an answer.

" Oh" said Jack "Crutchy I forgot, this is my new friend, Nicola."

Nicola waved shyly to Crutchy. "Hi" she said.

Crutchy looked confused. "Jack" he said "don't you know that she's a--" Jack turned  defensive and stopped Crutchy. "Yeah I know she's a girl, what's that have to do with anything though?" Jack then explained to Cruchy, Nicola's situation.

Crutchy's eyes widened. "Oh gee, I'm so sorry" he said. "Hey maybe you can..." He was cut off by a sound of a bell.

"Time for dreamin's over" Jack said. With that he grabs crutches crutch and started banging it against the lodging house. Hey, Race, Albert, Elmer, Finch Specs, wake up boys then papes don't sell themselves...

Note to readers: This is a combination of the Movie and Brodway musical of Newsies. I am still warvering between on weather or not I should include Kathrine or not...probably not because this story is mostly about Nicola.

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