The World will know

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The sun was up and the birds were singin', "a great day for selling papers" Nicola thought as she made her way to the circulation desk. She came to Wesil and asked for her 50 papes. She put down her quarter and two dimes.

"50 papes will cost ya an extra dime." he said with a wicked smile on his face. Nicola was confused. "But isn't the price 45 cents for 50?" she asked. Wesil was about to answer when Jack came up to the circulation desk chuckling slightly.

"Good joke Wesil." he started "really got the fellows going, I'll take my 100 and be on my way". 

"100 will cost ya 60".

"I ain't paying no 60".

"Then make way for somone who will"

Jack turned around and looked at all the News boys, then to Nicola, and then back to Wesil. He smirked. "You bet." he said. "The fellas and I will take a hike over to the Journal. The Newsies' cheer was short lived when Specs, a Newsie with large glasses, says that the Journal uped their prices too.

Jack then said to take our business to the Sun. Again, this time by Wesil, the prices were told that their prices were up too.

Jack, was running out of options. Nicola could tell. He called the Newsies to a pile of papes. Many complained saying that the paper company couldn't just do that. Race said it was there paper and world. Cruchie thought it would be for the best just to get our papers. Jack's voice stops the quarreling.

"Hold on. No ones paying no new nothin' ".


"You got an idea?" said one of the Newsies. Jack told him to keep his shirt on while he thought. Nicola was concerned. She got up next to Jack, who was deep in thought. "Jack. Are you still thinking?" she asked. "Corse he is sweet'eart". Said Race. "Can't ya smell smoke?"

The other Newsies sniker after hearing those words.

Jack then speaks up. "If we don't sell papes, then no one sells papes." Every eye was on Jack hearing this. "What do you mean Jack?" asked Nicola. Jack put his eyes on her and smiles. "Whatever it takes". He said blushing a little. He then put his hands around her waist.
"Whatever we do will make sure that the prices of the papes go back to were they belong." Nicola leaned on his shoulder. "How." she wondered.

Then a voice speaks out in the crowd. "You mean like a strike"? Heads turn. It was Davey. Whatever gave him the idea sparked interest in Jack. He found the plan to be a great idea. Davey of course regretted what he said immediately. From Nicola's understanding of working with Davey for a few weeks. He was very heasitant.

And after a lot of convincing, Davey agreed to his idea. "We've got a union". He said. Jack became determined. "Puliter and Hearst they think were nothing. ARE WE NOTHING"? Asked Jack. All the Newsies replied with a loud No. Then just like when Nicola first met them, all the Newsies broke out into song.

This time right of the bat, Nicola started singing with them. They danced all the way to the office of Joseph Pulitzer. Jack, Davey, and Les all marched in to the office doors. The suspense made Nicola anxious. Then as quickly as they went in the trio was thrown out, but not until after Les sassed the guard. Nicola found it pretty funny as did many of the other Newsies. Then the Newsies made their way to their favorite hangout spot. Jocobi's Deli. The Newsies burst through the door and find a seat.

Nicola was about to head in when she saw Davey trending behind. Nicola went to him. "You alright Davey?" she asked. Davey looked to see who it was. As soon as he saw Nicola he started to stammer and blushed. "Huh? Oh uh-uh-uh. Y-yeah I'm O-ok." Nicola giggled. "Alright" she said.

Nicola looked at Davey again and offered her hand. Cautiously he took it trying not to shake or blush. After a while he asked Nicola about her family life, how her Grandmother was doing. Nicola's smile dropped ten feet. Then Nicola started to cry. Davey, even though was nervous asked her what was wrong.

Nicola rammed in to Davey squeezing him tightly. Davey put his arms around Nicola. He understood imidetely.  Nicola's Grandmother.....was dead.

Author's Notes: I scratched the idea of combining the Musical and the movie. also I realized that I have forgotten about Mega Larkin in this entire thing. Sorry I will not be adding her anytime soon... I apologize. please enjoy the rest of the book... and no I am not adding Katherine.

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