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After her fit in Davey's arms Nicola and him walked into the parlor were everyone else was waiting. Nicola seated just in time. To hear Mush's, one of the Newsie boys, say "We sure scared the begevers out of Weasel..." The other News boys cheered in agreement. Jack then put his foot on the table. He declared what they would be doing tomorrow for the beginning of the strike.

After leaving the gathering Jack, Nicola, and Crutchie left for Jack's 'penthouse.' Crutchie fell asleep almost immediately. Nicola and Jack stayed up and talked a little more...

They talked about Selling papers, what Pulitzer was thinking was stupid, and how everything could end up glorious tomorrow...As they talked and talked Nichola got to think about the Delancy's what they had said to Jack when they first met. She decided to it up to him.

"So, Jack" Nicola started...."when I first met you...I've had the name of 'the Refuge' stuck in my head..."

Jack spun around. "Figures ye start asking about that..." he said. "The Refuge is a place were kids that do bad stuff, or have no family are taken, and their treated horribly.

"That's awful"

"I know."

"Have you been there before??"

Jack stayed silent for what felt like an eternity to Nicola. Finally, after a long suspended silence, he nodded. "Stoles some food and gots myselfs caught." He said. "But I escaped, and now I'm on the run from the owner of that place..." he paused and then went to a goofy tone. "SNIDER THE SPIDER" Nichola started laughing..."is that his actual name?"

"Nah, dats just what us Newsies like to call him." Jack said. Nicola smiled but then turned it upside down. "Hey, Davey told me about ya Grams..." Jack stated grimly. "Sorry for your loss" Nicola looked up at Jack..."it's ok" "Yeah" said Jack. "That means that us Newsies can be your family now" he gave Nicola a slight punch in the shoulder. Nicola smiled "Yeah" she said

"My new family."

There was a moment of silence before Nicola once again turned to Jack. "Hey Jack?" She said...."thanks for everything" she said....Jack embraced Nicola in a tight hug "anytime sweet'eart" he said with a hint of flirt in his soft voice...Nicola hugged Jack back and the rocked each other as the night dragged onwards...

Nicola's thought began to spin

Jack is so nice, he reminds me of a friend I once knew before I left home. Davey and the other Newsies are so nice too. I hope I can someday be close to them as well...Jack....I feel something else every time I look in his eyes. What is that feeling??

"Jack?" Nicola asked in a drozy haze.

"Ya??" He responded

"What do you think of me?" She asked

Jack released Nicola from his grasp, and put his arm around her..."Heh, I thinks your swell sweetheart..." he said...he turned his face to her...."What do you thinks of me??" He returned in question.

Nicola thought for a minute. Pondering his question. What did she think of him. What did she see in him that she thought highly of....Nicola then smiled and said..."I thinks that you are one of the coolest News boys I have ever met."

Jack blushed, as did Nicola...the two's gaze deepened into each other's glances as the morning sun began to rise above New York. It seemed stopped as it watched the two souls lock lips in a tender compationit kiss.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2021 ⏰

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