Chapter 9: Mother

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The night is full of lights and laughter. Everyone is cheering and dancing. I never got this so much fun! If only this moment could last forever.

I decided to sat beside the masked man with a cute little squirrel standing on his shoulder. He seemed so quiet. I wonder why he wears a mask. Is he hiding something behind that mask?

The squirrel suddenly walked towards me and stayed on my shoulder. It's so cute! I looked at the masked man who is now looking at the squirrel. I can't read his expression.

"What's this little squirrel's name?" I asked. He's not really talkative, huh?

It took at least ten second before he said, "Ao."

"That name doesn't suit her." I replied honestly.

I chuckled as Ao rubbed her cheeks on mine. She's so cute! I looked at the masked guy again.

"So, what's your name?" I asked.

"Shin-ah." He replied.

"I'm Mitsuha. You're the Seiryuu, right?" I asked and he nodded his head.

"You're so not talkative, aren't you?" I asked and he nodded his head once again.

This conversation is seriously not going anywhere if he keeps nodding and nodding. Ao jumped back into Shin-ah's shoulder again. I took that as a cue and stood up.

"Bye!" I said and walked towards Yoon. I seriously need a place where I can take a nap.


Everyone is seeing us off Awa. Everyone has gloomy face when they found out that we are already leaving.

"You're finally leaving Awa, Yona." One of the pirates said.

"Come back soon, kid. Promise you'll come back even if it kills you." Another pirate said as he harshly patted Yoon's back.

"That hurts!" Yoon shouted and they all ended up laughing.

My eyes caught Yona's tilting head. Looks like he's finding someone.

"What's wrong?" Kija asked.

"Are you looking for someone?" I added.

"Jae-ha's missing." She replied and bowed her head a bit. "I wanted to talk to him and thank him..." She trailed off.

"Who cares about that droop eye--" Yona cutted Hak's words.

"I care!" She shouted, facing Hak. "I can't leave like this..."

"Jae-ha, huh?" Captain Gi-gan started. "If you ever come back, you'll see him." She added.

"Yes." Yona replied sadly.

I slowly walked backwards, towards to Shin-ah who is currently sitting with himself. I don't want him to feel alone.

I tapped his shoulder and he looked at me. I gave him a warm smile and sat next to him.

"Don't you want to say goodbye to them?" I asked and he just shook his head.

I can't help but listened to the conversation at the back. Yona and Captain Gi-gan are talking to each other.

"You can't even clean, wash clothes or cook properly. That's part of being a woman. You should learn soon." Captain Gi-gan started. "No one wants to marry a girl who is nothing but reckless." She added.

"That's none of your business!" Yona complained.

My cheeks blushed in embarrassment. I covered my face with my hands.

I can't do all those things! Can I even consider myself as a woman?! Oh dear, I seriously need to learn a lot about life!

Shin-ah looked back and so I did. We saw Yona and the others walking this way. Suddenly, Yona stopped and ran towards Captain Gi-gan, tears streaming down her eyes and hugged her.

My heart suddenly ache. I miss my mother. Tears started to fall from my eyes. I still can't forgive myself from being weak. I wanted to try my best and put my mind into something else but the sight of Yona and Captain Gi-gan made me remember my mother more.


We are currently walking. Me, Yona, Yoon and Kija are crying. The reason is I can't forget my mother.

"Yona, stop crying..." Yoon said.

"You're crying, too, Yoon." Kija said.

"You're crying more than anyone, white snake." Hak said.

"I didn't get to say goodbye to Jae-ha..." Yona said.

"Me too. I didn't get to say goodbye." I added. Wiping my tears with a handkerchief Kija gave me.

Kija stopped walking and gave us a confuse face. "Jae-ha? I thought he joined us?" He said.

"Huh?" I asked.

Shin-ah suddenly pulled out his sword, which made me jumped a bit since I'm beside him, and cut the tree next to him.

We heard a voice of a guy and suddenly Jae-ha appeared to be with us and just hiding up in the tree. I rolled my eyes on him.

"Jae-ha!" Yona exclaimed.

"Hey." Jae-ha replied casually

"The Green Dragon was always near by." Shin-ah said.

"I didn't have anything else to do. So I thought travelling with you might not be so bad. But seeing you in tears looking for me was unbearably exciting, so here I am. I missed my chance to speak with you." Jae-ha said rubbing the back of his head and smiling awkwardly.

"I see, you're still a pervert." Hak said.

"He reminds me of you, thunder beast." Yoon said back.

"But you said you didn't want to be bound by the laws of the four dragons." Yona said.

"He actually said that?" I whispered to Shin-ah and he nodded his head.

"This is not about the four dragons. I'll continue to pursue the path I choose for myself, as I always have. That's still accordance with my aesthetic. I just can't leave you now." He said and reached out a hand which Yona accepted.

"Take me with you, Yona." Jae-ha said. He was suddenly hit by Hak's weapon that is covered with a cloth.

"Don't get ahead of yourself." Hak started.

"That's right. You aren't just travelling with Yona." Yoon added.

"You'd better acknowledge us, too. We aren't invisible here." I added and Shin-ah nodded his head in agreement.

"He's right." Kija started. "We value etiquette, Green Dragon." He added.

"Please excuse me. Allow me to reintroduce myself." Jae-ha said and stood up.

"My name is Jae-ha. I'm a beautiful monster with a dragon in my right leg. It's a pleasure to meet you."


Wohoo! This is the longest chapter of this book so far. I wanted to make the story more similar to the original plot so I was like: video - write - video - write, to make sure that the lines the characters are saying is the same as the episode. I'm adding a few more scenes that is not really a part of Akatsuki No Yona.

So let me ask you, would you like me to make a character description of my OC and also the other Akatsuki No Yona characters?

Anyway, I'll see if I can update tomorrow.

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