chapter 2

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Life was not easy for this aspiring writer, but I tried not to complain too much about it. The last time that I whined about having nothing to write about life decided to throw a terrible illness directly in my face. It made me think back to all of the unusual coincidences that kept happening to me and I started looking at the world in a different light. Now instead of crying about having no inspiration, I went out and tried to find it.

'' You must be the girl that the patients of this hospital keep complaining about. ''

'' What gave it out? ''

'' Are you not hiding outside the bathrooms to start conversations with people? '' the cleaner asked and leaned against his rolling hamper. He was a tall guy with blonde hair and a surprisingly handsome face. He seemed only a couple of years older than me and I instantly knew that he ha to be the cleaner that I heard some other female patients giggling about earlier. '' You also asked three different people about where were three different departments of the hospital. Did you forget about your diagnosis? You aren't that kid that they just called through the speakers, are you? ''

I sheepishly smiled and scratched the back of my head. '' I got bored of staying in my department, so I decided to go meet some new people, but everyone has some sad reason to be here. Except maybe for one guy that told me he stepped on a nail after his kids ruined his floor by trying to make a secret hiding place in it. Then he cut his hand too when he found out that the thing they were trying to hide was a vase that they accidentally broke. He let me sign the cast on his leg though. ''

The cleaner raised an eyebrow and grinned. '' Sad reason to be here? This is a hospital, so what were you expecting? ''

I rolled my eyes and crossed my arms on my chest. '' Did any of the patients actually complain to you or was that just an excuse to talk to the pretty girl? If it was, then you might want to change your tactics and use an approach where you don't passively insinuate that the other person might be a little crazy. Probably because they are and they could get offended. ''

He chuckled in amusement at the sound of my words and ran through his blonde hair with his hand. I saw him glance at the hospital patient bracelet on my wrist before he smiled again and said: '' Not really, but someone did send me to find you. She said that you're wearing a rock band t-shirt and that you will most likely be annoying people in the ground floor, munching on the snacks from the vending machines in the emergency room or barking back at one of the dogs in the park. ''

We simultaneously looked down at my old and extremely faded band t-shirt. My eyes slightly widened at the sight of the chocolate stain that was on it and I quickly blurted out: '' That is totally an old stain from three years ago. ''

'' Oh really? There's one on the side of your face too, '' the cleaner replied in laughter and patted my shoulder. I quickly rubbed my cheek with the back of my hand and looked in to his shining eyes before he started walking away. '' The annoying Eunsang is looking for you. My name is Namjoon by the way. I am responsible for cleaning floors three, four, five and six, so we'll be seeing each other more often from now on. I'm guessing you're the new kid in the oncology department, right? ''

'' It's actually Somi from Gangnam, but whatever, '' I corrected him and slightly narrowed my eyes before walking in the opposite direction and going to look for Eunsang. I had no idea about what that old lady could possibly want, but I was curious to see if she would apologise for her rude behaviour this morning. She woke up feeling even worse than she usually did and she immediately started yelling at the rest of us that were stuck in the hospital room with her. I went back to sleep once she stormed out of it, but when the workers started bringing breakfast, I heard a few nurses from the morning shift whispering to each other about how they saw her smoking a cigarette on the balcony.

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