03. | an angry jungkook

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The moon was high up on the sky, the cold evening wind was making me shiver and I was slowly starting to get scared. It was going to start raining in no time and my tie-dye skirt was probably going to stain my favorite white knee socks. Like that wasn't already horrible enough, I was also lost in a completely unknown neighborhood and trying to find my dog that ran off when I took it for a walk.

I flinched when lightning appeared on the sky and hid under a roof of a closed down shop a moment before it started raining. Lightning quickly made me cower and hide between two dumpsters. I was squatted down, hugging my legs with one hand, hiding my head between my knees and frantically typing on my phone. Lightning was one of the things that I was absolutely terrified of and I didn't know what to do. I sent a million of texts to my best friend, before I remembered that it was right during her dance practisce and there was no way she was going to respond. I thought of my dad, but he was at work right now and I couldn't bother him with my problems. There was only one person that I had left.

I was desperate and at that moment when I dialed Jungkook's number, I really didn't care what he was going to think of me. I just needed someone to talk to me, tell me that everything will be okay and I wasn't going to die.

'' Jungkook-sshi! I am going to die! I took my dog for a walk, he ran off and I got lost while trying to find him! Now it's raining, there is lightning and I am so scared that I am going to die! '' I dramatically screamed in the phone as soon as he picked up.

There was a long pause on the other side of the line, then a completely unnexpected voice answered: '' Who are you? Are you Jungkookie's friend? ''

I let out a surprised screech and almost dropped my phone in a puddle. Then I pulled my hood deeper over my forehead and continued sobbing: '' Please, come and save me, V! I need your love before I fall! ''

'' I'm going to hang up on you, '' he sternly replied. '' I thought you were in the middle of a crisis, miss. ''

'' I am hiding between two dumpsters in the rain, don't you dare hang up on me! '' I cried out and looked at the dark night sky in fear. '' I know this is not the perfect situation for meeting you for the first time, but still, it's my pleasure. Also, your performance in 'Blood, sweat and tears' was outstanding. I would rate it with ten Jimin high notes out ten. ''

V quietly chuckled and said: '' You are kind of funny, miss. ''

Lighting appeared on the sky again and I let out a scared scream. I covered one of my ears with my hand and put my phone to the other, only to hear Taehyung asking with worry: '' Miss? Are you okay? Miss? What is happening? ''

'' I am terrified of lighting, but the thought that the one and only V is worried about me is making me feel a little better, '' I mumbled.

He was saying something, but I couldn't hear him over the sound of rain and lighting. I was about to ask him to repeat himself, when I suddenly heard barking. I instantly recognized my dog, hung up the call and started screaming it's name. The large brown beast ran up to me out of nowhere and I happily hugged it and stayed with it in hiding for the next two hours until the rain stopped.

It was already really late when the two of us found our way home. I changed out of my wet clothes, jumped on my bed and saw that I had five new texts from Jungkook.

I can't believe you had a conversation with Taehyung! You are so dead!

Also, he got really offended that you just hang up on him and now he told everyone that I have a girl's number saved in my phone.

You are so dead when I get my hands on you.


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