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❝ Once you've met someone, you never really forget them. ❞


Two misfits on a journey to defeat an evil witch, save an old club house and discover the meaning of magic.


Hyeju is not a place like any other.

The line between reality and dreams is blurred and magic is all around you. A seemingly ordinary port town gets completely cut off from the rest of the world on foggy days and strange creatures swim in the ocean. The seagulls tell you stories about the faraway lands that they've seen and the cakes patisseries are enchanted with positive magic spells. Flowers change colours with the weather, flying brooms take kids to school and everyone always makes sure to lock their doors by sundown. You can never tell a knickknack from one of the many shops will secretly turn you in to a frog or just match your dress really well and the tourists that visit the town all come from different worlds.

Day to day life gets a bit crazy sometimes, but you get used to it. The important thing is that you work. It's the only way to save your soul and your magic from the evil witch. It doesn't matter if you are a mailman with a flying broom, a shop owner with special abilities or a fearless sailor. Working is the only thing that saves you from going to the inn up on the hill.

That was how it used to be, but now the youth wants more power, more magic.

There was a club house that used to protect the kids from the evil witch and give them a safe heaven, but everything changed when the former club leaders graduated from high school. The large building closed it's doors, a layer of dust began to cover the old furniture and moss grew on the walls. It seemed like the dream of union and friendship disappeared forever, but then someone decided to revive it again.

A delinquent with a big heart was determined to fight back and keep the magic in his heart.

The youth of Hyeju had no idea about what the future had in store for them. 


genres: fantasy, romance, friendship, comedy

idols featured in this story: baekhyun - exo

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