chapter 1

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I was sweet until the money stopped coming. They would always ask me if it would be fine again, if they would buy me roses or pretty diamonds. They thought that they had to earn forgiveness for something that they didn't do. It was easy to fall for my lies, even if they knew that they were fake from the start. Easy to get enchanted and drunk on the desire, but it was all just a dream. A dream that I delicately crafted for them and let them enjoy until their time in heaven was over.

They always hated it when they got rudely woken up from that dream and were forced to return back to reality.

'' Fur is murder! ''

A bucket of red paint got splashed all over my favourite white fur coat. I stopped, with one of my feet still in the air, right before taking another step up the stairs. My face was deathly serious when I took off my black sunglasses and looked at one of the protestors in front of the museum. '' It's fake. ''

'' Oh. '' Paint was dripping down my outfit and the protestor was struggling to find the right words to say. '' Oops. Carry on then. Or would you like to join our group? You would do great as our mascot. ''

'' You're lucky that you didn't get me after three tequilas. Otherwise this conversation would continue very differently. '' I snatched one of their fliers from her hands, put my black sunglasses back on my face and raised my chin. '' The red paint at least makes the blood from my earlier fight a little less noticeable. ''

This Monday was off to a very bad start.

I walked past the group of protestors, strolled inside museum and pulled my phone from my purse. I pressed the second most called number and put it to my ear. '' Where are you? ''

'' Who peed in your coffee this morning? '' Baekhyun cheerfully responded. '' Or are you just not a cultural person and you have something against museums? ''

'' Who peed in my coffee?! Don't try to test me, because I am not in the mood. It's Monday, barely noon and I am covered in red paint, missing three of my fake nails and hungry. '' I gazed towards the entrance of the museum of photography and scowled. '' The only pictures that I like looking at are pictures of myself. Where are you?! ''

The prosecutor chuckled in amusement and murmured: '' I always liked how straight to the point you are and I can't wait to hear about your Monday. From the annoyed tone of your voice, I can already tell that I am going to find it hilarious... I am sitting at one of the outside tables of the museum's cafe. ''

I turned on my heel and walked past the lady that was selling the tickets for the museum. She gave me a judging look for heading straight to the cafe, instead of taking some time for looking at the photos and broadening my knowledge. I pulled up my sunglasses, shrugged and shot her a look that clearly said 'some of us are just hopeless, deal with it'.

I was still on the phone with prosecutor Byun Baekhyun when I walked out on the outside terrace. The cafe was nice and quiet, with a proper garden surrounding the tables and a fountain in the centre of it. There were only a few guests there that day and my eyes were darting from one to another. '' Okay, I am just realising that technology is really starting to become a problem these days. Everyone is on their fucking phones. They could at least try to read the newspaper since they bothered to go to a museum's cafe! Instead of doing what the rest of us do and stopping at a coffee stall on the street, where they serve you cups of boiling water, mixed with mud, a dash of cocoa powder and melted caffeine pills-... Hold on, I think I see you. ''

I made my way towards a table where I saw an older man, sitting by himself and looking at his phone. His hair was grey, he was wearing reading glasses and looking at his phone with an annoyed frown. To me that seemed like a facial expression appropriate for someone that had to listen to my whining every day.

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