Chapter 9- Teach Your Sons

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When Nataly reached Soy's house, it was already a little over 9 PM.

"Is there a reason why we are meeting so late, when it's a Monday tomorrow?" Tiff yawned. "I need my beauty sleep, before facing a challenging day at school."

"Tomorrow's Thursday." Ruby rolled her eyes.

"Because!" Soy interjected, keeping her voice low. "My parents are finally asleep."

Jaz chuckled and raised her eyebrows. "I'm pretty sure they're not 'sleeping', in there."

Everyone groaned in disgust, imagining Mr. and Mrs. Collins humping each other, when Nataly interrupted. "Who's the target?"

Ruby batted her eyelashes and faked a loving expression. It was like finding a four-leaf clover. Highly unusual. "My boyfriend."

"We're targeting Kyle Jacobs?" Nataly hissed, surprised. "At this hour?!"

"Sure." Ruby shrugged. "He's really into holding hands and late night walks at the park. So, I called him to a park nearby."

"While Kyle waits for Ruby, we'll go to his dad's shop and vandalize stuff." Soy elaborated.

Kyle Jacobs was the only son of Howie Jacobs, who owned Fashion Chemical—the biggest, most popular clothing store in town. Kyle would often bring his jock friends over and they'd check out the hot girls looking for hip clothes, till the sun went down. Howie mistaking this for Kyle's commitment to work and willingness to join the family business, dubbed him responsible to close the store every night.

"Kyle closes the store at ten but he's closing early today, for obvious reasons. My God, the things guys do for pussy. Anyway, here." Jaz pushed a can of spray paint into Nataly's hands. "Spray as many clothes as you can."

"Dibs on green." Tiff said, grabbing the green can.

Nataly looked down at the can in her hands, with a little bit of doubt. "But this won't affect him as much as it'll affect his dad. And I don't wanna go to jail."

"Kyle's father is responsible for his actions." Jaz affirmed. "It's the parents' duty to teach their sons to be respectful of the other person's choice, whatever the response. Tell him that if the person isn't interested, he should say, 'Thanks for letting me know,' instead of threatening, 'I will show up to your bedroom at midnight, like Edward fucking Cullen!'"

"And Kyle doesn't even sparkle." Tiff snorted. "What a fucking loser!"

"Nice speech, Jaz." Ruby remarked, smirking. "But if I may add, you should learn some respect too."

"Are you kidding? I'm the epitome of respect." Jaz joked, adjusting her non-existent collar. "Ask Max how I was respecting him just the other night, on my knees."

Twenty minutes later, the doors to Fashion Chemical opened to reveal the slew of high-end brands and timeless fashion. Anything from a little black dress to a tweed suit to quality cashmere sweaters was available.

Every night, right after Howie left, the party started. Getting wasted behind the counter, fucking girls in fitting rooms, snorting coke off the racks. No surface was left untouched! And it was possible, all because of Kyle.

He was the king and the store was his realm.

But Kyle should remember that with great power, comes great responsibility. Hopefully, he would never forget after tonight.

"Really impressive Ruby, how you got the security code within three days of dating Kyle." Tiff said as the girls stepped inside the dark store, with flashlights and spray paint cans in hand.

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