III:The Phantom

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She started to hum by herself she kept thinking about how she can return back,she missed Aunt Mel,and the three puppers it might be small but it was family to her...

Esther's P.O.V
As i looked around this so called 'Prima donna' room it had lots of flowers,probably from the Audience i took one and smelt it,it smelt was so Lovely i then start to look around and around until i turn to face the mirror...

I stopped..

I started to feel as if..I'm being watched...

I began to sat back down and hummed again the tune of the music that i began to hear..

"Brava Brava Bravisama" I Heard a voice, i began to look around "hello? Is anyone there"

"You did great Mon Cherie,My little songbird.."

I froze.. "Uhm Merci...Monsieur.." while i kept looking around...

"I Can still hear the applause of the audience echoing through the Opera house...And I Have been watching you for a while.." i heard the voice chuckle after what he said...

I began to be terrified i was speechless like i couldn't move..

"I know you're scared Mon cherie Dont worry Dont be afraid I am Your Angel,The Phantom of the Opera and i am here to ta-guide you" After that he began to sang,the song i heard from my music box as a child..

I start to get hypnotized My Body was disobeying me...

Noone's P.O.V

The Phantom walked inside the mirror then held his hand out to Esther,Esther accepted it she fainted.Luckily He carried her inside his lair,he layed her to the boat while rowing to his Dungeon of Music..

He began to sing...

No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears.

Shamed into solitude
Shunned by the multitude
I learned to listen
In my dark, my heart heard music.

I longed to teach the world
Rise up and reach the world
No one would listen
I alone could hear the music

Then at last, a voice in the gloom
Seemed to cry "I hear you;
I hear your fears,
Your torment and your tears."

She saw my loneliness
Shared in my emptiness
No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears

No one would listen
No one but her
Heard as the outcast hears...

Erik's P.O.V
i could not believe it she is finally with me WHERE SHE BELONGS i continue to row while looking st her for each minute...

She looked more like an Angel and had a voice of one..


Esther was walking around the trees looking for flowers that time when she took a break from practicing while singing ,a Hat then flew with the wind and fell at Esther's head "oof!" She then took off the hat and saw a shadowy figure.."hello??"

She continued to walk and Holding her dress up "i believe this is yours monsieur??" She said as she stopped that she was facing him..she can't see his face nor body because he looked like a shadow...

"Oh...thank you Mademoiselle.." he said while Esther handed him the hat "You have a beautiful voice Mon cherie" Esther giggled and nodded The shadow figure knelt down and kissed her hand..

"Until we meet again mon cherie" he said standing up and fading at the shadows..


Meg then went inside to go check on Esther but she was suprised that Esther was gone.."Whe-re?" She looked around.."Let us go Meg..." Madame Giry was already next to Meg and pulled her out..

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