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Momo's POV

After Classes

I was staying at the back of the school I was
smoking cigarette when Dahyun came.

"Momo,what are you doing you shouldn't be doing that?!"Dahyun exclaimed as he was about to grab my cigarette.

But luckly I avoided him,I glared at him.

"Mind your own business Dahyun why don't you go flirt with my sister."I said.

"Momo I promised your sister to look after you."he explained.

"Cut the crap Dahyun you just want her number I will give it to you just leave me alone."I said as I leaned over the wall.

He just sighed and and left in defeat,finally I was at peace until I was coming up with a plan to prank that  new deaf student.

As I was thinking one of Jungkook's pals came in my spot,I threw the cigarette and shouted.

"Hey, stupids go find your own place!"

All of them just stared at me,until Jungkook just smriked and said.

"Well Ms.Hirai sorry we took your spot but I want to stay besides what I want is what I get."

I tighten the grip of my hand.

"L-look guys let's just leave her alone*whipers*I think she is about to snap."Jimin said.

"Hahahaha! Don't worry about it Jimin besides how can a girl like her beat us."Jin exclaimed.

"Yeah like how-"V said but she got punched in the stomach by Momo.

"Say one more thing about me and your all dead."Momo said with a glare.

All the guys then was scared until Jungkook went up to her.

"You really are pushing my buttons Hirai."he said with a glare.

"You are also testing me Jungkook."I said with a smirk.

"Well then let us see what you are made of."He said as he punched my face,leaving the guys in shook he punched me again and again.

"JUNGKOOK!STOP!"all his friends said in unison as I had enough.

I fall in the ground with blood on my lips and bruises all over my body.

"Heh,you're not that scary Hirai come on guys let's just go."Jungkook said as his crew follow him.

I just sat there as the pain in my face starting to get worse and so is my body.

I got up to go to my car but someone held my wrist.

Jeongyeon's POV

I waited for Nayeon as I saw her get out of her last class but she was asked out with someone.

So I decided to just head home but as I started to walk I saw Momo surrounded by guys.

But I didn't know what they did to her but as they left I saw her with a bruise on her face and body.

I knew it was something bad I ran up to her.

I hold her wrist and looked at her with worried eyes.

"I hope you're okay Momo."I thinked to myself.

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