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A few minutes had passed Momo and Jeongyeon just stared at each other for 5 mins eventually Momo broke the silence.

Jeongyeon's POV

"Let me go I'm fine really."she said as she stood up but she sliped luckly I caught her in time.

"I am not going to leave you like this."I thinked to myself.

It went silent again until she spoke up.

"Look if you're just going to act weird infront of me please leave me alone,if not punching you is enough then being nice to you is more annoying."she said in a serious tone.

I gulped and took my sketchpad and wrote.

(Well I just want to help you,it seems like you're in trouble and look at you covered with bruises why what happened?)

She looked away in my direction.

"It's nothing anyways let's just go to the nearest convenience store."she stood up and started to walk.

I was a bit confused until she called my attention.

"Well coming or what?!"she yelled.

I nodded and followed her.

We have arrived at the store I bought some bandages and ointment while she bought a pack of cigarette.

We sat down and I started to chat with her.

(So what happened?it's okay if you don't want to tell I understand.)

She looked at me and said.

"Some guys just beat me up  it's not that bad,anyways enough about me why are you so concerned of me all of a sudden I mean aren't you at least mad of what I did to you?"

After I heared her response it hit me,it was familiar.


"Ha! Weirdo look at him he can't even speak ."said a boy.

"Yeah,deaf people like you don't belong here you all should just die."the other guy smirked.

Ha ha Weirdo!

Ha ha Freak!

You will never be like us cause not matter what no one will love you nor accept you because of one thing.

"Your Deaf"

"Hey? Yoo you okay"she said as she make me come back to my sense.

(Oh! Yeah I'm sorry just thinking about something anyways let's heal you up already.)

She then blushed but just a little after that we talked for a bit and went out our seperate ways.

But before that I asked her first something.

"What is it Yoo?"she asked.

(Are you better now?)I asked with a smile.

She blushed again but snaped back,she looked kinda cute.

"Y-yeah I'm fine whatever see you tomorrow Yoo."she said as she left quickly.

"See you then too tomorrow Momo."I thinked to myself and headed home.

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