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As we finished our first music video we went back to Kehlani's house to edit. Once I was sure it was finished we talked about visuals. "How are we gonna find money for these videos" she said and as much as I would hate to ask my dad had money and film 'skills' you could say. "My dad" I said and she nodded. "I could get extras and things but we need your dad" she said. I went to my dads and told him the situation and he seemed to understand. He said yes and said we would start on Saturday.

"Oh and I found ya lil kids but its coo they aren't old enough so for now they are safe" he saud before going to make some tea to mix with his whiskey. I then went to my room and changed for work before me and my siblings left. We met uo with Kehlani and started to walk to the mall. Once we got there we seen acouole things around the mall we could use for our videos. We bought alot if outfits and things then we all started our shift. Halfway thtough my shirt Matthew was calling me.


"Yess daddy"

"Listen these kids won't stop crying for you and Montale and your kids won't talk but they know how to cry." He said before I herd him tell at the kids making them cry harder.

"Ok daddy imma send Bey2 to get them" she looked at me before she nodded and talked to our boss before she left to pick up the kids.

"Shes on the way dad" I said listening to the other line.

"Ok since you've been so good... You and ya cin get two months away from everything" ge said and I nodded as if he could see me befire I hung up. I silently thanked God before I got back to work. About 20 minutes later Beyincé camr in with all the kids.

"Mommy" Blue yelled before she ran up to me and hugged my leg. As I attempted to do my job but these kids wouldn't be still. "Sapphire and Blue can you please be still and sit like big kids for me" I said practically begging them as the all sat behind the counter. "Ok mommy" Blue said Sapphire have me a thumbs up. As time went on our shifts were finally over and we all gathered together. As we all walked home Miracle thought it was a good idea to run in the street for a squirrel. "Miracle!" I yelled as a car stopoed right before it hit her. I ran into the street and pulled her back by her arm.

"Owwchyy mommy" she yelled

"Listen Miracle we DON'T do that" I said then hit in the butt 5 times. After I whooped her she burst into tears and reached up for me. I picked her uo and bey the time we git home she was sleeping on my shoulder. As everyonce got ready for bed I look a shower with Miomi. After we dried off we got ready for the bed I noticed alittle scar on her stomach. I didn't pay much attention to it so I cleaned it and put a bandaid on it. We all them layed in bed "night night bey bey" Sapphire said before she kissed my cheek and cuddled into my side.

Next day

Once me and Matthew woke uo we took all the props and things to the car. I then grabbed all my makeup things before I did my makeup for our next video. I picked up Kehlani and he drove us to this building. "Listen bey put on this dress" he said before he handed me a red dress. I then did my hair and everything before we started to shoot the video. We did certain scenes first before others cause I had straight backs in some shots. It was crazy cause these were strangers doing this plus he had to go out a film women. I decided to throw my ring cause he gave it to me as a promise ring and he refers to me as his "wife."

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