Chapter 1 : Leaving My Diary

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" Erik please. I need to go in my room, I've got private stuff to do."
" Well you should have thought of that before you broke your wardrobe. Why don't you go in Max's room it's free."
" Finnne.."
I wish I'd never jumped on to wardrobe and this never would've happened. Anyway, you know how I was saying I needed to do private stuff, I meant I needed to write in my diary...
Dear Diary,
Today is a really hectic day and my room is occupied so I'm going to tell you the big news I promised to talk to you about.
I like Max, and I don't mean I like him I mean I love him. He's just so amazing, goofy, sweet, kind, helpful and funny. I could stare at his brown eyes for the rest of my life. If only he knew how much I loved him maybe then and only maybe he would like me back. If I got a chance to be alone with him it would be a dream come true. But, that's all I'm telling you today I might give a little more info on it's going between me and Max but for now that's all I've got.
Stay amazing!

Tess Hunter

" Tess! Come on down for lunch!"
" Coming! Hey Max had a good day at detention?"
"Har, har very funny."
Seems like Tess has been in my room but whatever trap she's laid I'm not falling for it. But this time I think I want to fall for this trick because I just found Tess's diary...

 But this time I think I want to fall for this trick because I just found Tess's diary

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