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do not cry wolf; become it.


"Say it to me again. Slowly."

It was clear that this was putting Ashara into a very bad mood. Bella chewed nervously on the inside of her cheek and glanced at Bruce. She really had no idea what was going on either. Rocking back in forth in her chair, she checked her phone, waiting for a text from Peter to tell her that he was fine. She had texts from Alex, Abby, Ned, and MJ. Even Liz had seen the events on the news and texted her about it.

While Bruce explained the circumstances to Ashara and Rhodey again, Bella got up and wandered out of the room and towards her own. Once inside, she sank to the floor and pressed her back to the shut door. Trying to calm herself, she stared at her phone and clicked on Peter's contact. It went to voicemail after ringing for what felt like an eternity. She cursed quietly and tried again. Voicemail. Voicemail. Voicemail. Voicemail.

She chucked her phone across the room and buried her hands into her hair. She tugged and tugged and tugged at the roots until she heard a knock on the heavy wood.

"Bella?" Ashara's voice was muffled, but Bella could still hear the worry in her voice. "May I come in?"

"Yeah," Bella sniffled, scooting away from the door. Ashara entered and sat down on the floor beside Bella wordlessly. "Where's Joey?"

"Napping in his nursery," Ashara said. "Are you okay?"

Bella shook her head, not trusting herself to speak.

"Is it Alex?"

Again, she shook her head.

"One of your friends?"

No, her friends were safe and fine and texting her.


Bella closed her eyes and breathed deeply. She had no idea what had happened to him. All she could hope was that Tony could keep him safe.

"He'll be okay, Bella," Ashara said, wrapping a comforting arm around Bella's shoulders. "We'll all be fine."

Still gnawing on the inside of her cheek, Bella sucked her lip in between her teeth. She contemplated Ashara's words for a minute.

"How can you be so sure?"

"It's my job to be."

Bella snorted and shook her head at the woman. She curled her arms around her stomach and pulled her knees up to her chest.

"It was terrifying, Ashara," she confessed. "And I was useless in it. That's why Tony sent me back here, you know. I just go from place to place. I can't fly, or blast anything, or make things move with my mind. I'm useless when it doesn't come to humans."

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