Chapter Seven

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The Drama

Woojin didn't even remember when he fell asleep. He didn't even knew why he was in the bathroom in the first place.

Oh, it was because of him.

He didn't want to blame Jisung. No, he's not angry with anyone. He's just sad that his crush didn't like him back.

Wait, is it morning already?

No, it's still 8 o'clock, and Woojin guessed everyone was asleep, but when he went outside, everyone was worried.

Jisung came up to him first and looked at him guiltily. "I'm sorry, Woojinnie hyung. It wasn't the perfect time. I didn't know he will say that. I'm so sorry that you confessed. I'm sorry that you're sad. I'm sorry that your heart is broken. I didn't mean to tease you. I didn't mean to do it. I'm sorry." Jisung was crying now, and Woojin hugged him tightly. Jisung was hugging back.

"Don't be sorry. It's not your fault. It's my fault. I know I don't have a chance. Plus, he's straight. He will never like me. So, don't be sorry, okay? Please smile for me." Woojin said, pulling back from the hug to see Jisung smiling.

Woojin smiled back before sniffing. "There's my boy."

Jisung chuckled. "But are you sure you're okay?"

Woojin nodded. "Yes. Don't worry."

He faced his friends but he didn't want to look at Chan, who he knew, that was staring at him.

"Now, I know that everyone is hungry, so let's eat! I cooked food earlier."

They all went to the dining room before sharing a glance to Woojin, who was smiling and sniffling.

Chan was guilty. He didn't know Woojin liked him. He didn't know that he will react that way. He was feeling guilty so much that he wants to apologize and die.

Maybe later, after we eat.

They prepared the food and began to eat.

While eating, Woojin spared a glance at Chan. Chan stared back and Woojin had to look a way, a blush creeping on his cheeks.

He rejected you why are you still blushing. Oh because you still like him omg.

Soon after, they finished eating and Jisung offered to wash the dishes.

Jeongin went to Woojin and apologized, even though it's not his fault.

Woojin kindly hugged the younger and told him that it was not his fault.

Seungmin and Hyunjin also apologized.

Minho, being a hoe (A/N: sorry if i offend you) kissed his cheek and apologized sincerely.

Woojin went outside and sighed, smiling to the moon as if they were conversing. The cold breeze of the night was passing by as if it resembles the situation they are in.

He anticipated Chan's apology, expecting to be sorry.

But what he didn't expect that Chan suddenly hugged him from behind and apologized a million times.

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