520 30 0

September 22

i didn't clean at all today i feel great, and all of this is because of tate. he helps me so much, and i am so grateful to have him.

i think i'm slowly becoming happy again. because of tate, tate says i will have bad days where I want to clean and it will hurt a lot, but that he thinks i can be happy again.

as long as i have tate here to help me i think i can and will overcome this and maybe i can even go back to public school. oh and i decided that i would show him the journal. he has helped me so much, and i think he deserves to see how far i have come.

the thing is though if tate isn't around i feel the urge to just scrub and clean, and mop, and it's awful. i need tate. tate is my wonderwall.

Wonderwall (noun) "an object of fascination; the person you are completely infatuated with.

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