Chapter 1

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All credit to the story and plot goes to SincerelyMaxx on YouTube, and here are the videos that inspired this. Part one: Part two: I don't own any of the characters and neither does SincerelyMaxx, Kohei Horikoshi does. (Sorry if I butchered the name)

I recommend watching it after you read this story, so it doesn't spoil anything. But at some point please go watch the videos, they are amazing and so is the artist!

AND HERE'S A WARNING BEFORE READING THIS CHAPTER. The first part (Midoriya POV) I started writing it in third person, past tense. But then after finishing his part I decided I wanted it to be in first person, present tense. I basically went back and changed the he's into I's, and the said's into says. I didn't really change it so it really feels first person, so that part's not as good. But after that I hope it gets better.

This starts after season three, after Bakugou and Todoroki get their hero's licenses. It's irrelevant to right now, but it's important later.

(Midoriya POV)

Slowly I breathe in and out. My heart is pounding so hard against my chest that it feels like it is going to come out. Every breath I take is shallow, and it's as if my lungs are frozen.

I can't believe I'm doing this.

The previous night I decided this was the day I am confessing to Todoroki, although I hadn't realized my feelings until recently. I guess it started when we fought at the sports festival, but I'm not really sure. Gradually I found myself wanting to be closer to him, and to be together more often. It wasn't too long before I realized my feelings however, and now here I am.

Why am I so nervous? Just give him the paper. Class will be over soon.

"Uhm, To– Todoroki–kun!" I call for him.

Hearing his name Todoroki turns around, finding me waving at him. He walks over to me and replies, "Hmm? Yes, Midoriya?"

I feel my hands get sweaty, and I start trembling slightly. My hands are behind my back, holding the small slip of paper I prepared beforehand.

Well, here goes nothing.

Taking a deep breath I say, "Here, this is for you," before shoving the paper in his hands. Soon however I lose my confidence, and almost yell, "Uh, you don't have to reply right away! Think about it, okay!?"

The bell rang—that's my que to leave. I stumble out the door, unable to face the embarrassment. I go straight to the dorms.


My face red, either from running or the encounter, I close my door and fall face first on my bed.

That was embarrassing. I wonder if he'll reply soon? Probably not, this is kind of sudden, and he needs to think about it. Has he even read it yet? What if he doesn't feel the same? I would like to think I could take it, but I really don't think so, honestly. If he doesn't, what would I do? He's the first person I've ever liked in that way, and if he doesn't return my feelings I would be heartbroken. What if he doesn't even like boys? That's a whole new level of embarrassment. But...what if he does like me? What sort of things does he like doing? He doesn't seem like-

A knock on the door interrupts my thoughts. It was Uraraka, "Um, Deku–kun? Are you okay? You've been making a lot of noise and I just wanted to check on you."

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