Chapter 2

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Hello people if anyone's reading this.

Second chapter...yay.

The original thing (you know...the video) goes by pretty quickly.'s a video.... it's not going to last for hours, it only makes sense.

Anyway the point is, (for people who have already seen it) I want to try and lengthen it as much as I can so it doesn't seem too fast paced. So, if you expect something to happen really soon, it probably won't.

But enough of that, onto the story

(Todoroki pov)

The rest of class drags on. I really try my best to focus, but it doesn't seem to be working. I'm not trying to, but my mind is going haywire imagining things I wouldn't normally think of. Things with him, yet again.

Pictures flash across my vision, of a world with Midoriya, where we're both happy. With each other. Living together as if we didn't have a care in the world, where the only thing we could ever need is the other.

No, stop!

I viciously shake my head—in the corner of my eye I think I see Mineta looking at me strangely. I can't think like that! It wouldn't work, not with me being me. Midoriya needs someone better than...this. I clench my hands.

Finally, the bell rings; I wait until everyone else leaves first. After that I get up and grab my things, walking out of the classroom and to the lunchroom. I'm the last to leave, so I get there later than the others. I stop in the door and scan the giant room, still filling with people. It's too crowded, how am I supposed to find him in here?

I squeeze through the mass of people and start walking to where we normally sit with Uraraka and Iida. This is too much. When I get closer to the table I spot Midoriya, he's just left and is heading to the line for food.

After dropping my bag beside his I quickly turn around and look in the general area I saw him last. I find him easier this time, and I start making my way over to him.

Wait. I slow down.

What am I going to say?

Now I've come to a full stop. I know I like him, I can even say I love him. Every single day Midoriya is on my mind, I just can't help it. He's the first one to accept me, besides my caring siblings Fuyumi and Natsuo. The first one so determined to make me open up, to push his way into my heart. He saved me. He changed me. But I can't have him.

I lean around some people so I can see. Now he's standing in line turned away from me, his green curly hair messy as ever. He seems really excited about something, since he's bouncing around while talking to Uraraka and Iida.

I smile fondly, still leaning. Yeah, I love him. I back up and shake my head. No, stop.

I take a deep breath and maneuver my way through the people. I reach him and tap him on the shoulder. Immediately he stops bouncing, and spins around to look at me.

As soon as he sees me he starts blushing, putting a hand behind his head. I struggle at keeping a straight face.

"Oh, uh..hey Todoroki!" he smiles at me, "What is it?" He closes his eyes in a smile.

Oh, I zoned out. I rack my brain for why I'm here. That's right, the note.

"Uh," I strain to say, "I just wanted to talk to you." I glance at the others; they're talking amongst themselves now. "Actually, it can wait. Can you meet me at the gates after school?"

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