Chapter 5

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And also sorry if you were confused about the username change. 


I’ve said this before, but I hate when people go on hiatus without warning. BuT I’m pretty sure thaTS EXACTLY WHAT I DID and I hAte myself for it asghsgdjfjysjcydgcz

uuuugh I’m really sorry about that

neXT TIME I DECIDE TO TAKE A BREAK I’ll try to warn you guys I prOMISE. It’s not like there's even that many people reading this story, but there’s a few people who were here for awhile that come back for updates and I recognize them and I feel sorry for them and aAAGHDGHFTK

…’s that for a run on sentence?

But um anyway, I went back and re-read the other chapters and it's sO FRICKIN CHEESEY. Like…. it's pretty misleading since it gets kinda serious later on. (SORRY IM NOT ELABORATING. NO SPOILERS, PEOPLE) And it's barely connected….idk, like I went back and read them and I totally forgot about those events. It's weird.


(Todoroki pov)

I keep my head down as I walk past people in the lounge, tuning out their conversations. I have more important things to think about. Several things actually, but the only thing on my mind right now is getting to the infirmary to heal this...bruise/scrape thing I got yesterday.

It’s currently seven in the morning, an hour before classes start. The building is open a few hours before and after actual lessons so the teachers can prepare, the students can go to recovery girl, they can have a therapy session, etc. So I figured I might as well try. Maybe I’ll figure out the source.

"Todoroki-kun!" I freeze in my tracks. "It is only seven, where are you going?" I look up and see Iida, holding a plate with his breakfast on it. Eggs, maybe?

"Ah, um… I'm going to the infirmary," I slowly respond, "before classes start..."

I hope he doesn't question it too much. I don't really feel like explaining anything at the moment.

"Why? Is something wrong?" he asks me, ignoring my silent wishes.

I turn my eyes to Midoriya, who is sitting on the couch. I can tell he's watching us, although he's trying to hide it. I almost miss the painful expression on his face. ...I feel terrible. But there’s nothing I can do now. It’s already over.

I scan my mind for an excuse, bringing myself back to the present. The only one that comes to mind is, "Uh, nothing's wrong, I'm just going in for a check up..?" 

I peek at Midoriya again, and just by seeing for a split second I can tell he knows I'm lying. But he's not the one I'm trying to convince. At least, for now. He turns away, and I can’t help but think he looks angry? It was barely a furrow of an eyebrow, though, so how could I tell?

Iida seems certain as he says, "I see, I hope it goes well," before promptly walking away.

Thank All Might he didn't question it further. I don't know what I would've said.

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