Chapter 3

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........I'm back.

Before reading this chapter, just know that idc about their actual school schedule. According to me, English is in the first half of school and Aizawa's class is at the end of the day... I just wrote it before thinking and now apparently that's how it's gonna be, so yeah. *shrug*

And uh please feel free to comment all you want. I really enjoy reading them, won't annoy me if you totally spam me with comments on like every paragraph. That's what I mean.

And no, my friends, that does not mean you can just comment on every chapter. It has to be related. (I'm talking to you, storylineartist and Avapaladino . A good example is RoseOtakuu )

Last thing. This chapter is dedicated to you, storylineartist . I know how much you love the Bakusquad. (probably as much as me, and that's a lot)

(Todoroki POV)

It's the last class of the day, and I think my soul is slowly leaving my body.

To elaborate, I've never been this nervous before. It's a whole new feeling. My heart is in my throat, choking me. My lungs feel tiny, making every breath shallow, and it feels frozen.

That's what people expect, right?

But I've been nervous like that before. It was when I was still a kid, and my father forced me to train with him every single day. I'd get that type of nervous when anticipating doing that with him.

Of course I still feel like that. But it's also so nerve-racking that it's messing with my head. In short, I can't focus, and everything feels fake.

Although I am nervous, my talk with Asui, uh, I mean Tsu-chan, helped me feel a lot better. Before I was being stubborn and refused to think I could change. I was afraid. But Asu-...Tsu-chan helped me realize a lot of things, both about myself and Midoriya. That I can change. And that Midoriya is an amazing person, and would help me do just that.

But that doesn't help my stomach, now does it? I'm still nervous as hell. I'm probably even more nervous than I would have been had I not talked with her.

Every second that passes is a second closer to talking to Midoriya. Just thinking about it makes me anxious. And even though I know he likes me, I feel like I'm probably going to fumble my words. I'm not even the type of person who does that. But...when it comes to Midoriya, my stomach starts to feel all bubbly inside, and my thoughts get jumbled up. He's the first person to ever make me feel that way. He makes me think, everything is going to be okay.

I check the clock. Three more minutes until school is over. Now my hands start to get clammy.

I look at Midoriya from my seat. He's fidgeting with his shirt and sweating. His face looks red, and he keeps looking at the clock. I guess he figured out what I want to talk to him about. I mean, he's really smart, so I expected it.

I hear a dragged out sigh from Mr. Aizawa, pulling me out of my thoughts. I look up and see him pinching the bridge of his nose in annoyance. "Kaminari, how many times do I have to say it?!" he snaps, throwing his hand off his face and opening his eyes.

I wonder what this is about. I look at Kaminari, who sits couple seats in front of me to the right, and see him sleeping. His arms aren't even supporting him, they're just dangling below his desk. His face is laying sideways on top of the desk, and his mouth is hanging open. I think I can actually see drool. Ew.

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