Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

I grew up the daughter of the Tacoma Charter of the Sons of Anarchy MC's President. Mom died when I was a baby and dad married his current wife, Kelly, who I look at as a mother. She really stepped up and helped raise me. Being the President's daughter, I grew up being called Princess and it never really bothered me. There are perks to being the SAMTAC Princess and there are downfalls. The perks are, of course, being respected and protected. I can call any of them at any time and they will come running. Most of the guys, I see like uncles or older brothers. Now, here's the downfall. Do you know how hard it is to date someone when they know you are connected to the club? Either guys run as soon as they find out who my dad is or on the rare occasion that they don't run, they get chased off because the guys scare them so bad. This time is no different.

"Hey Sweetheart." Kelly says. "Hey Ma." I say. "What are you doing?" she asked as I rummage through my closet looking for something to wear. "Have you seen my blue peasant top? I want to wear it tonight." I tell her. "Yeah, I put it in the back of your closet." she says. Finding the top I was looking for, she asks "You got a date?" Smiling, I say "Yeah. Chris finally asked me out. He's picking me up here at seven. Maybe picking me up here, the guys won't scare him off." I tell her. Laughing, she says "You know your dad has Hap and Koz coming over, right?" I look at her shocked and say "Ma you gotta keep them away from Chris. I really like him." I tell her. "I'll do what I can." she says before kissing my cheek and heading out of the room.

I hear a knock at the door and my dad answers. "Maci, you have a visitor." he says. Walking out to the living room, I go to grab my jacket and Koz asks, "Where are you going?" Rolling my eyes, I say "I have a date." and head towards the door. "No you don't." Happy says walking up beside Koz. I go to walk out the door and Koz says "She ain't interested." before shutting the door in Chris' face. I look at him shocked. "What the hell, Koz? You can't do that." I say running out the door but Chris is already gone. Turning back towards the door, I see Happy and Koz watching me. I walk over to then and shove Koz. "What the hell was that?" I asked. "Why do you two think you can scare off any guy I try to date?" I asked. "No kutte. Can't trust him." Hap says simply. Getting even more pissed off I look at both of them and say "Both of you can fuck off." Storming into my room, I slam the door and lay on the bed crying.

After a few minutes, I hear my door open and it's my dad. "Don't. You're just gonna take their side." I tell him. "Sweetheart, things are shit right now and we can't have just anyone around. Why don't you try to find a SON and become an Old Lady?" he asked. "Really? You think it's that easy? All of the guys here, see me as nothing more than your kid. The Princess. None of them look at me as a potential Old Lady." I tell him. "I'm gonna try to sleep now that I don't have any plans thanks to your fucking guard dogs." I tell him still pissed. He pats my shoulder and leaves the room, shutting the door behind him.

I can hear talking in the hallway. "You guys are gonna have to lay off. She's an adult now and deserves to have a life." I hear my dad say. "Just protecting the Princess." is all Hap says. I drift off to sleep wishing I was anything but just a Princess.

The next day, there's a huge party at the clubhouse. Of course, I'm there. Sitting at the bar, not really talking to anyone, I decide to head outside and hang out at one of the picnic tables to get some air. One of the hang arounds walks over and sits down. "Hey Jake." I say. "Hey Maci. What's up?" he asked. "Oh, you know, enjoying the free booze." I say laughing. He laughs a little and asks "How was your day?" Before I can answer, I hear a voice behind me say "She ain't interested." I don't have to turn around to know that it's Happy and, knowing him, Koz is with him. Jake's eyes go wide and he runs off, back to the party. Rolling my eyes I turn and say "You know he was just asking me how my day was. Are you telling me who I can have a conversation with too now?" I asked. "He wasn't just making conversation." Koz says. "Whatever." I say, heading back to the bar.

Walking to the bar, I see the prospect, Trey, standing there. "Can I get another beer please Trey?" I asked. He hands me another beer and I feel Koz and Hap walk up beside me. "Why do you guys insist on running off any guy I talk to?" I asked. "Can't trust anyone without a kutte right now." Koz says. "Fine." I say. Turning to Trey I say "Trey, you wanna come over for dinner tomorrow night? Maybe watch a movie or something?" I asked. He looks at me wide eyed and Hap says "No he don't." I look at him and say "You know he can answer for himself." I look back at Trey and he says "Sorry Maci." and rushes to the other side of the bar. Finally having enough, I say "You said we can't trust anyone without a kutte. He has a kutte. What's the problem?" I asked. "He's a prospect." Hap says. "So? You were at one point too. Both of you were. Look, the only way that I am going to have a life is if someone takes me as an Old Lady. Everyone here sees me as either a sister or a niece so that leaves pretty slim pickings unless I wanna jump charters and we both know that my dad won't let that happen. So, what? You two gonna slap a crow on me?" I asked and they both are silent. "That's what I thought." I say before storming out of the clubhouse and heading to my car to leave.

Getting to the house, I ask, "Daddy? Can I talk to you?" He looks up at me from his desk and says "Sure sweetheart. What's on your mind?" I sit down in the chair in front of his desk and take a deep breath. "I want to jump charters." I say and he shakes his head. "You know that's not a good idea." he says. "Just hear me out. I can't date anyone here because we can't trust anyone without a kutte. No one with a kutte will have anything to do with me because of you being my dad. They all see me as a sister or niece. I don't want to be alone the rest of my life. I want to find someone and start a life, have a family. I can't do that here." I tell him. "Where are you thinking about going?" he asked. "I was thinking Charming. Uncle Tig is there and you know he'd protect me and make sure that I'm safe." I tell him. "Let me call Clay and see what I can do. Have you talked to Tig?" he asked. "Not yet. I wanted to talk to you first." I tell him. "Go call him and let him know what's going on." he tells me. Kissing his cheek, I walk out of the room and pull out my phone to call Tig.

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