Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Waking up the next morning, the bed is empty and I get up and start getting ready for the day. Walking out to the main room, I see Kelly sitting at the bar with a cup of coffee. "Morning baby." she says. "Morning Ma." I say and she looks at me worried. "You okay?" she asked. "No. I didn't sleep much last night." I tell her. "Why? Donut snore all night?" she asked laughing. "No. He didn't bunk with me." I tell her. "Who did?" she asked. "Dick one and dick two." I tell her and she starts laughing. I look at her and say "That's not funny Ma. I hate those two and when I got out of the bed to take the couch the fuckers picked me up and put me back in bed and wouldn't let me up." I tell her. "Oh sweetheart. I'm sorry." she says. Daddy walks over and has a smirk on this face. "What?" I asked. "Sleep good?" he asked and starts laughing. "Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me you weren't behind that?" I asked getting pissed. "They asked me first and I said it was their call." he tells me. "What about my call? I don't get a say in who sleeps in my bed?" I asked trying not to yell and show disrespect. "You three need to work this shit out." he tells me. "There's nothing to work out Daddy. They got their way. I'm not even trying to get involved with anyone." I tell him sadly. "I'm gonna get some air." I tell them before walking out the door with my coffee.

Sitting at the picnic table, Koz walks over. "What?" I asked. "You okay?" he asked. "Fine." I tell him. "You know we just want to protect you right?" he asked. "Well, don't worry. I'm just concentrating on school right now. You don't have to protect me anymore." I tell him as I fight back the tears. "You know we'd do anything for you." he tells me softly. "Then just let me sleep on the couch tonight. You guys can have the bed." I tell him and he just nods. I get up and head back to my dorm where I stay until Kelly needs me to help with lunch.

Once everyone has their plates, I grab a water and start cleaning up the kitchen. "You need to eat." Hap says. "I'm fine. I'll eat later." I tell him. "Get a plate." he tells me. "I'm fine Hap. I just want to get shit done so I can study. I'll eat while I study." I tell him. Shaking his head, he walks away. Once the kitchen is cleaned, I head to my dorm and start studying. The door opens and Happy brings me a plate. "You forgot something." he tells me. "Thanks." I say before he sits it down on the nightstand with another bottled water. "What are you studying?" he asked. Looking at him shocked because he's never asked about my school work before I say "Research for another paper. Have to write both sides of a debate on the benefits and downfalls of a certain treatment for depression and anxiety verses just therapy." I tell him. "What's the treatment?" he asked. "Zoloft." I tell him. "You ever taken it?" he asked. "I did when I was younger." I tell him. "Did it help?" he asked. "Not really. I found another outlet to get through shit like that." I tell him. "That why you got into music?" he asked. "Yeah." I tell him. "Wanna go for a ride?" he asked. "Hap, I really need to get this done." I tell him without look up. Closing the laptop, he grabs the plate and says "Come on. I'm taking you to eat." I look at him shocked but do as he tells me to.

Pulling up to a diner, we get off his bike. Walking in, we get a booth in the back and order our food. "How much longer do you have of school?" he asked. "Another year after this one." I tell him. "That's good. You gonna work at the hospital or some shit?" he asked. "Why the sudden interest in my school Happy? Just say what you want to say. You never do small talk." I tell him, getting to the point. "I wanted to say I'm sorry for this shit. We want you to be happy but we can't trust anyone..." he says and I cut him off. "Without a kutte." I say. "Yeah." he says. "You really asked your dad about jumping to Charming?" he asked. "Yeah. Figured if it was somewhere with someone he thrusted like Tig that he'd be okay but Clay shot it down. Too much shit and don't want me in the middle. I understood though." I tell him, looking down at my hands on the table. Reaching across, he grabs my hand. I look at him shocked and he says "You belong here with us." I just nod my head and the waitress brings our food.

After eating, Happy pays the bill and we head back to the clubhouse. Walking inside, I head back to the dorms and start working on my paper again. Kelly knocks on my door before walking in. "I'm heading to bed sweetheart. The guys will be to bed soon." she tells me and I nod. Putting my laptop up, I change into some sleep clothes and lay down on the couch. Covering up, I lay there thinking about things. Shaking my head, I had just drifted off to sleep when I hear my door open. The guys come in and I hear Happy say "Come on Princess." as he tries to get me to move to the bed. "I'm fine here Hap. Night." I tell him and turn back over. This time he doesn't fight me over it and once the light is turned back off and I am sure they are in bed, I feel the tears starting again. After a little bit, I think no one hears me, when Koz comes over and kneels beside me. "Hey. What's wrong? Talk to me." he says. "I'm fine Koz. Just go back to bed." I nuzzle farther into my pillow and try to act like I wasn't crying. "No. Look at me." he says. "I'm fine." I say again. "Bull shit." he sits me up and by now Happy is sitting up on the bed listening. "I'm fine Koz. Just a little stressed with all the shit for school." I tell him hoping he'll believe it. "Come on." he tells me before standing up and pulling me to stand. Walking me over to the bed, I get in and lay down. They each lay down next to me and I feel Koz take my hand and put it on his chest, intertwining our fingers while Happy lays behind me with his arm around my waist. "Goodnight Princess." Koz says. "Night." I say. "Night little girl." Hap says. "Night." I say simply before we all drift off to sleep.

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