Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Waking up the next morning, the guys are still in bed with me. I go to get up and feel Happy's arm tighten around me. "Go back to sleep." He says. "I have to get up. Gotta help with breakfast." I tell him. Letting me go, I get up and head to the bathroom to shower and dress. I head out to the main room and I still just keep to myself as much as I can. "How's your paper coming along?" Kelly asked. "Good. Almost done. Once I submit this one, I can relax for a couple of days before the next one is assigned." I tell her. "Good. How'd you sleep?" she asked. "Fine." I say simply before going back to what I was doing.

Once breakfast is almost ready, Kelly tells me, "Go wake your boys up." I look at her and say "They aren't my boys." She looks at me like she knows something and I just shake my head before heading to my dorm. Walking in, I walk over to Koz and say "Koz. Wake up. Breakfast is almost done." He opens his eyes and stretches and says "Morning sweetheart." Shaking my head I move over to Happy. "Hey. Breakfast is almost done. Time to wake up." I tell him. Opening his eyes, he pulls me to him and kisses my temple. "Morning Princess." he says. I just stand and head towards the door. Before leaving, I turn and say "Morning." I walk out the door and back to the kitchen.

Once everyone is served, I make a small plate for myself and am eating in the kitchen away from everyone else. Hap and Koz come in to bring their plates in and they don't say anything. They just kiss my cheek and walk out. I just look at the door they just retreated through, shocked. I clean up the kitchen and head back to the dorm. I'm sitting on the couch with my laptop and the guys walk in. "How's the paper coming?" Hap asked. "Almost done. Just reading back over it before I submit it and then I can relax for a couple of days before the next one gets assigned." I tell him. "Lockdown's done. Everyone is heading home." Hap tells me. "Okay. I'll head that way as soon as I'm done here." I say. "You want us to wait with you?" Koz asked. "No. Go ahead. I'm good." I tell them and they kiss the top of my head before walking out the door.

I submit the paper and get my things packed up. Walking out of the clubhouse, I see Koz still waiting there. "I told you I'd be fine." I say. "I brought you here, remember?" he asked smirking. "Shit. Right." I say before taking my helmet from him and getting on behind him. Putting my arms around his waist, he takes off towards my house. Once we pull up in front of my house, I get off and take my helmet off. "Thanks for the ride." I say. "Sure. What are you doing tonight?" he asked. "Probably just hanging here." I tell him. "Wanna go for a ride later?" he asked. "Yeah. Sure." I say. Pulling me to him, he kisses my cheek and says "See you in a little bit Princess." I nod and head in the house before he pulls away.

I walk to my room and start unpacking. "Koz bring you home?" Kelly asked. "Yeah. I forgot that he took me there." I say. "I saw him kiss your cheek. What's that about?" she asked smirking. "Don't go there. I guess him and Hap are feeling bad about pissing me off. Koz wants to take me for a ride later." I tell her. "And Hap took out to dinner the other night." she says. "Ma. Don't. You know as well as I do, those two don't see me like that." I say. "I think I'm just gonna cancel with Koz anyway." I say. "Why?" she asked. "Ma, he doesn't see me as anything other than his President's kid. Just please don't look more into it than there is." I plead. "Fine. But you're not cancelling. You barely left the house these past couple of weeks. You need to get out." she says. Sighing, I say "Fine."

A couple of hours later, Koz is at the door. Grabbing my helmet, I climb on his bike behind him. We head out and I we just ride. Neither of us saying anything. After about an hour, he pulls up to this beautiful clearing and shuts off the bike. There's a picnic table near the edge of the bluff and we walk over and sit down. I sit there just staring out at the view but I see Koz looking at me out of the corner of his eye. "What?" I asked. "I think this is the first time in nearly a month you've looked peaceful." he says. "Riding always helps me relax." I tell him. We sit in silence for a while before another bike pulls up. Looking over, I see Happy getting off his bike and walking over. Kissing my cheek he says "Hey." I softly say "Hey." After he sits down, I ask "Why are you both being so nice to me all of a sudden?" Koz speaks first. "There's a reason we have been chasing off anyone that you try to date." he says. "I know. Because you can't trust anyone." I tell them. "That's part of it." Hap says. "Okay. I'm listening." I say. "We care about you a lot." Hap says. "I know. You all do. I get that." I say. "No, sweetheart. We care about you." Koz says. I look at him and then Hap and see the looks on their faces and it hits me what they are saying. I stand up from the table and walk over to the fence near the bluff. After a couple of minutes, I turn to them and ask "So, what? You thought that if you ran everyone off? Made me feel like I'd be alone the rest of my life that I'd let you in my pants?" I asked, getting pissed. "Hell no." Happy says. Koz gets up and walks over towards me. "That's not what we meant. We want to be with you." he tells me. "So, what now? I be the good little Princess and let one of you give me your crow?" I asked a little calmer now. "No. You give us a chance. Date us. Let us show you that we care about you and that we want to have something with you." Koz says. "Date both of you?" I asked confused. "Yeah. Let us take you out. Spend some time with you and then when you're ready, you tell us which one of us you want to be with and we'll give you a crow." Koz tells me. "What if I can't decide?" I asked. "Then you'll get both our crows." Happy says. "Yeah, because my dad is totally gonna go for that." I say sarcastically. "He already gave the okay. Why do you think we were sharing your room during lockdown." Happy says. I look at him shocked. "Shit." I say. "You okay?" Hap asked. "I don't know. I'm gonna need some time to think." I say. "Come on. We'll take you home and you take all the time you need to decide." Koz tells me. I nod my head and we head back to the bikes. Getting on behind Happy this time, we head back to my house.

Pulling into my driveway, I get off the bike and take off my helmet. "I'll let you know when I make up my mind." I say. "Just take your time. We want you to be okay with this decision." Koz says. "Okay." I say. They each kiss my cheek before pulling out of the driveway as I walk in. "What the hell am I getting myself into?" I asked myself.

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