Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Dialing the number that I know by heart, I listen to it ring a couple of times before I hear my favorite uncle answer. "Hey Princess. Everything okay?" he asked. Smiling, because he knows me so well, I say "Not really. I wanted to give you a heads up. I talked to my dad and he's going to talk to Clay about me jumping charters and moving down there with you, if that's okay." I say. "Of course, sweetheart but why are you jumping charters?" he asked. "I'm tired of being alone, Uncle Tig and no matter who I try to date, Koz and Hap scare them off telling me that I can't trust anyone without a kutte." I tell him. "Well, they're right about that but that still doesn't tell me why you want to move here." he says. "My only option is to become an Old Lady and I can't do that up here. Here, I'm either everyone's sister or everyone's niece. I even tried to ask out the prospect and Hap and Koz shut that down. I'm tired of being alone." I tell him almost in tears. "Hey, it's okay Doll. Look, I'll talk to Clay and see what I can do on this end. I'll get Gemma to set you up a dorm here once we get everything settled." He says. "Thanks Tiggy. This is why you're my favorite." I tell him.

The next morning, I wake up and my dad knocks on my door. "Hey Daddy." I say, sitting on my bed, working on a paper for my professor. "I spoke to Clay." he says. "And?" I asked. "Moving down there right now just isn't the best idea. They have some shit going down that you don't need to be brought into." he tells me. I sigh and say "Okay I guess. It was worth a shot." I tell him before looking at my computer screen again. "I'm sorry sweetheart." he says. "It's fine daddy. Don't really need to worry about dating right now anyway. I'll just concentrate on school. Thanks for trying." I say. He walks out of the room and I close my laptop and lay on my bed, crying.

Walking into the clubhouse, my dad walks over to Happy and Koz and says "Can I get a minute guys?" They all walk into the chapel and take a seat at the table. "What's up Prez?" Koz asked. "You guys need to back off of Maci for a while. She came to me last night about jumping charters to Charming with Tig." he tells them. "What did they say?" Hap asked. "She can't move down there right now. Too much shit going on." my dad tells them. "I heard her crying when I left. Just back off for a while." he tells them and they nod.

A week later, I still haven't left the house. I do all of my classes online so I concentrate on getting all of my assignments done early. "Hey sweetheart." my dad says. "You guys heading out?" I asked. "Yeah. You sure you don't want to come with us? I know the guys miss you." Kelly says. "I'm good Ma. I'm just gonna hang here and get some work done." I tell her, looking back at my computer screen. "You've done nothing but study all week. Barely leave this room. Come on with us." my dad says. "I'm fine Daddy. Maybe if I can get things done early, I can test out of the class and get done earlier." I tell him. Shaking his head, he walks over and kisses the top of my head. "We won't be too late." He tells me. "I'll be fine. Have fun." I tell them both before looking back at the screen and typing my paper.

"Where's the Princess?" Lorca asked. "She's at home. Didn't want to come." my dad says. "She okay?" he asked. "She says she is but she's not herself. She's burying herself in her studies and barely speaking to anyone. Hasn't left the house all week." my dad says. "Shit. What happened to her?" he asked. "Hap and Koz. Running off anyone that shows an interest." dad says. Shaking his head, he asks "Want me to talk to her?" My dad looks at him and says "Yeah. Thanks man." Lorca walks out to his bike and heads to my house.

I hear a knock at the door and look out the peephole with my gun in hand. Putting the gun in the back of my pants, I open the door to see Lorca standing there. "Hey kid." he says ask I let him in. "What are you doing here Lorca?" I asked. Lorca and I have been best friends most of my life. He started prospecting when I was ten and became like a big brother to me. I could always talk to him about anything and I knew he would take it to his grave. "Just wanted to check on you. We haven't seen you in a week and you don't know how to answer your phone anymore." he says as I shut and lock the door. Walking over to the couch, he sits down and says "Sit." I do what he says and he says "Now, speak." I look at my hands and say "There's nothing to talk about anymore. I have just been concentrating on school." I tell him. "Yeah and your dad said you ain't left the house. You gotta get out there and talk to people sweetheart. You can't stay locked up here." he tells me. "I tried that. Every guy that I tried to talk to, Hap and Koz scare off telling me not to trust anyone without a kutte. So I asked the prospect out since he's the only one that doesn't see me as family and the guys answered for him saying no." I tell him and the tears start falling. "You know, I asked my dad about jumping charters to move with Tiggy?" I say. "What did they tell you?" he asked. "Things are shit there right now and I don't need to be brought into it." I tell him. "You know that's for you protection right?" he asked. "Yeah. That's why I didn't fight it. Figured just hang here and concentrate on school before Hap and Koz take that away from me too." I tell him as I start to sob. He pulls me to him and once I calm down I tell him "It just sucks because I feel like I am going to spend the rest of my life alone. I want to find someone and start a life. I want to eventually have my own family. But I can't do that." I tell him. "I'm gonna head to bed. Go on back and have fun." I tell him. Getting up to head to bed, he says "Don't give up that dream sweetheart. It will work out." Nodding I say "No it won't."

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