Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Waking up the next morning, Kelly knocks on my door. "Morning sweetheart. How you feeling?" she asked. "I'm okay Ma." I tell her as I take the coffee cup she offers me. "Did you finish your paper?" she asked. "Yeah and started my research on the next one. Should have it done later today." I tell her. "Well, I need your help. Family dinner. Tonight." she tells me. "Okay." I say, getting out of bed and heading to the shower. Getting dried off and dressed for the day, I head into the kitchen and see breakfast is done. I get another cup of coffee and grab a plate. I don't eat much, just push the food around a little. "The other ladies will be here shortly and we can get started on the dinner." Kelly says. "Okay." is all I say. Walking over to the sink to start cleaning up, I hear my dad and Kelly talking in the other room. "She okay?" my dad asked. "No. She's not." Kelly says. "She doesn't leave the house. She does nothing but school work and she's barely eating." Kelly says. "Did you tell Hap and Koz to back off?" she asked. "Yeah. But we'll see if they actually do it." my dad says. "Doesn't matter if they do or not. They're right. Can't trust anyone without a kutte. Especially right now. I'll concentrate on school and then maybe once school is done, I can move or something. I'll be okay." I tell them before heading to my room to get a few more things done on my paper before the other ladies get here.

A couple of hours later, Kelly comes to my door. "The ladies are here. Time to start cooking." she says. I close my laptop and head to the kitchen. "Hey sweetheart." Jonie greets me. She's Lorca's Old Lady. "Hey Jo." I say simply. I head to wash my hands and start cutting veggies. "How's school going?" she asked. "Good. Turned one term paper in yesterday and almost done with the next one." I tell her not looking up. "You know we miss you at the clubhouse." she says. "I know. Just been concentrating on school." I tell her. They go on with their conversations and I just listen and work on helping cook.

Once the food is done, we sit at the table and I have Happy beside me and Koz across from me. I don't say anything unless someone asks me something. I see Happy and Koz both watching me and they look almost concerned but we both know that's not it. Once the meal is done, I am in the kitchen cleaning up when they both come in and stand at the counter on each side of me. "What?" I asked. "You okay?" Koz asked. "I'm fine. You both should head out there and enjoy yourselves." I say, trying to be a good hostess. "We haven't seen you in over a week." Koz says. "Been busy with school. Don't want to fall behind." I tell him, not looking up from the plate. "We heard you wanted to jump charters." Hap says. "Well, didn't go through so..." I say, trailing off. I dry my hands and say "I have a term paper to finish. Enjoy your night." I tell them, leaving the kitchen. Walking into the living room where everyone was, I walk over to my dad. "I'm heading to my room. I need to get that paper done. It's due tomorrow." I tell him. "Okay sweetheart. Good night." he tells me, kissing my cheek. "Night everyone." I say as I head down the hall. Koz follows me and stops me before I walk into my room. "We're sorry Princess." he says. "It's fine. Koz. Goodnight." I say, walking into my room and closing the door in his face.

I sit on the bed and start working on my paper again. After a while, I hear bike leaving and a knock on my door. "Just wanted to come say good night." Lorca says. "Night. Be careful." I say. "Love you kid." he says sadly. "Love you too." I say before he leaves the room. I close my laptop and lay down and sob into my pillow.

Waking up the next morning, my head is pounding from all the crying last night. I sit up and get out of bed in search for coffee. Walking into the kitchen, I see my dad talking to Hap and Koz and I roll my eyes. "Morning." I say before pouring a cup of coffee. As I head back to my room, my dad grabs my hand and says "Pack a bag. We got lockdown." I just nod and head to my room and get my things together. Heading out to the living room, Koz takes my bag and says "You're riding with me." I just nod. Heading out to the bike, I get onto the back and put my arms around his waist before we head to the clubhouse with Kelly on the back of my dad's bike.

Walking into the clubhouse, I take my bag from Koz and head to my room. Before I can make it to my room, my dad stops me. "There are going to be a lot of people here so we need to double up. I'm putting someone in your room." he tells me and I nod. "Any idea who yet?" I asked. "Not yet but we have to head out. Help your ma and whenever you get tired just head to bed." he tells me before kissing my forehead. "Be careful Daddy." I tell him.

Walking out to the main room, I see that there are only Old Ladies and kids here. No sweetbutts. That makes me feel better. "Let's get these people fed." Kelly says. "Okay. Once we get everything done, I need to finish that paper. It has to be submitted by midnight." I tell her. "Okay." she says and we get dinner started. Once everyone is fed, I sit out in the main room with my laptop and start working on my paper. Jonie comes and sits beside me. "How's it going?" she asked. "Okay I guess. Just want to get this done with. I hate these long ass papers and it seems this professor assigns only long ass papers." I tell her. "You know, Lorca's worried about you. We all are. You just don't seem like the Maci we are used to seeing." she says. "Honestly, Jo, I'm fine. Just needed to be remember my priorities is all." I tell her. Kissing the top of my head she says "You know, you're like a little sister to me. You need to talk about these assholes, you call me. Okay?" she says. "Okay. Thanks Jo." I tell her and get back to my paper.

Finally finishing my paper, I tell Kelly "I'm heading to bed unless you need me." She hugs me and says "No sweetheart. Head on to bed. Remember that you'll have a roommate so don't freak out when your dorm door opens." she says. Figuring it will be Donut and he'll camp out on the couch in my room, I say "I'll leave the door unlocked. Tell Donut there's a blanket and pillow on the couch." I tell her and she nods.

I'm finally asleep when I feel the bed dip down on both sides of me. Knowing that Donut sleeps on the couch when he stays, I wake up with a start and see both Hap and Koz getting into my bed. "Oh no." I say. I get up and head to the couch. "You guys take the bed. I'll sleep over here." I tell them, not wanting to be anywhere near them. "You ain't sleeping on the couch. Get back in bed." Koz says. "I'm good right here." I tell him. I lay down and cover up and have my back to them when I feel someone picking me up and I look to see Happy carrying me to bed. "Put me down. Please just leave me alone." I say and by now I'm almost in tears. "Hey, hey. It's okay." Koz says as he tries to tilt my face to look at him. I pull away and try to get out of bed again and Happy puts his arm around my waist and says "You ain't sleeping on that damn couch." Finally just giving up, like I always do, I lay down and keep myself on my side, not touching either of them. "Good night Princess." Koz says but I don't respond. I feel Happy's breath on my neck when he says "Sleep tight little girl." As he lays down, I lay still until I hear their breathing even out and I feel the tears start to fall.

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