Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

A night out with friends is just what I needed. Tony broke up with me two weeks ago and I have barely left the house so when Amanda called and said we were going out to sing karaoke, I was all for it. I'm done sitting and moping around. I get up and shower, putting on a pair of tight jeans, a form fitting long sleeve top and my favorite boots. I do my hair and makeup and head out the door. Pulling up to the bar in Amanda's car, we walk in to see Molly and Heather already there waiting on us. We order a round of drinks and I look around to see who all's here and see my ex Tony sitting at a table with one of his friends. I ignore that he's there and just enjoy what I am hoping will be a great night. About an hour in, I see everyone crowding around Tony and hear the owner telling him that it's time for him to leave. Apparently he had seen me there because he calls out "Aria. Let's go. Now." I look at him and shake my head no. He's escorted out and a few minutes later my phone starts blowing up with messages.

T: When I tell you let's go, that means you get off your ass and follow me.

T: How can you stay there after the way they treated me?

T: Are you even going to answer me?

T: Really?

T: Alright. I got you.

It's been a couple of hours since the last message and we have ordered two more rounds and having a good time. I never answered Tony back hoping he'd get the hint that I was done. It's getting smoky in the bar, so Molly and I head outside to get some air. Molly is leaning against the wall and I am standing in front of her talking when Tony walks up. "I thought I told you to come on." he says. "And I said no." I say. "You don't say no. I tell you to come on. You get off your ass and do what your told." he tells me and grabs my wrist. "Let go." I tell him and Molly tries to get him to let go. All of a sudden some guys walk up in leather kuttes that say Mayans and one of them steps in front of me, causing Tony to let go of my wrist. "She asked you to let her go." the guy says to Tony. "This don't concern you buddy." Tony says. "Well, as of now, she's no longer your concern. Walk away while that's still an option." the guy says. Tony looks at me and says "You're really going to stay here after how they treated me?" I look at him, from around the stranger in front of me and say "We're not even together Tony. I didn't come here with you. I came here with my friends. I don't have to leave just because you got kicked out." I tell him. "You watch your mouth." he tells me and the guy in front of me steps forward and says "Your option to walk away is about to be taken off the table." Tony visibly stiffens but looks back at me and then walks away.

The stranger turns to me and asks "You okay?" and I see actual concern in his eyes. "Yeah. Thank you." I tell him and he just nods. I hold out my hand and say "I'm Aria and this is my friend Molly." I tell him. "EZ. This is my brother Angel and our friends Coco and Creeper." he says. "You have to at least let me buy you a beer for that." I tell him. He smiles softly and says "Yeah. Okay." We walk back in and the guys follow us to our table and I order another round of drinks. "Girls this is EZ, Angel, Coco and Creeper. Guys these are mine and Molly's friends Amanda and Heather." I introduce them and we all pair off talking. EZ is sitting beside me and after a few minutes, his arm goes across the back of my chair while we all talk and I don't mind at all. He is a very sexy man. "So, any of you actually going to get up and sing?" Angel asks and all three girls point at me. "You sing?" EZ asks and before I can answer, Heather speaks up from beside Creeper. "You've got to hear her sing. We put her a song in when she was outside. You guys are in for a treat." she tells them and I glare at her. "What song did you put in?" I ask. "Not telling." she tells me and I roll my eyes. "They do this to me all the time. We come out for me to sing and they put in songs and don't tell me what I'm singing until I get up there." I say. "Ever put in a song that she doesn't know?" Coco asks. "Haven't found one yet she didn't know." Amanda says.

A few minutes later my name is called. I walk up to the stage and see the song show up on the screen and glare at my girls. They put in "Hide the Wine" by Carly Pearce. The song plays and I belt it out and when I'm done, my entire table is standing up clapping. I walk over to my seat and when we sit down, EZ puts his arm back on the back of my chair and whispers in my ear "That was amazing, Bello." I blush and shy away a little and I see my girls smile. A little bit later my name is called again and I see that they put in I'll Always Love You by Whitney Houston. I belt it out and see EZ's eyes go wide when I hit the high notes. When I'm done, I sit down next to him and him and the rest of the guys are just staring at me. I shy away and hide my face in the closest place to me, EZ's chest. He puts his arm around me and leans down and whispers "That was beautiful." I look up at him and he just smiles.

We go on through the night and I sing a couple of other songs and we talk and laugh. Before we know it, we are all in our own little conversations. EZ is leaned next to me whispering in my ear and we are just talking and flirting a little. He whispers "I would really like to kiss you." I whisper back "Then do it." He look at me before cupping my chin and kissing my lips softly before gently deepening the kiss and I can feel it all the way to my toes. We separate and I see the girls smiling at us as well as the guys and I bury my face in his neck, shying away again and feel his arms wrap around me and he nuzzles his nose against my neck.

We all decide to call it a night and as we walk outside, I look at EZ and ask "You want to come back to mine?" Pulling me close he says "Yeah. I do." He kisses me softly and hands me his helmet to put on. He asks "You ever been on a bike before?" I smirk and say "Grew up on the back of one." He smiles and we head off to my house for the night...alone.

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