Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Angel pulls back up at the clubhouse and EZ comes out and asks "You seen Aria?" Angel looks at Emily walking out of the camper and says "Something going on with you and the ex?" Angel asks. "Hell no. Have you seen Aria?" he asks again. "She had me take her home. Was pretty upset and now I see why." Angel says. "Nothing happened. She wants to leave her Old Man and us be together but I told her I'm with Aria." he tells Angel. "Well, you need to talk to your girl. She said she's not your concern anymore and talking like she thinks your choosing your high school pussy." Angel tells him. "Shit. I gotta go." EZ says.

I am lying in bed, sobbing when I hear a bike pull up. I know who it is and I don't move. I hear him knock on the door and I still don't move. All of a sudden my phone rings. I hit ignore. It rings again and again I hit ignore. It rings a third time and I finally answer. "What do you want?" I ask. "Bello please open the door and talk to me." he pleads. "Nothing to talk about. Just go away." I tell him. "Baby please." he pleads again. "Just go. I don't want to be with you." I tell him. "I love you Bello and I know you love me. Please open the door." he pleads. "Just go away." I plead before hanging up the phone and sobbing.

The next morning, I get up and get my coffee before heading out the door for work. I open the door and see him sitting in my porch swing. He jumps up and rushes over to me but I back away. "Why are you here?" I ask as I make my way to my car. "I want to talk to you." he tells me. "Nothing to talk about. Can you please just leave me alone?" I ask as I get into my car and leave. I pull up at work and Heather walks over. "Did you talk to EZ?" she asks. "Nope. Nothing to talk about." I tell her. "You really should talk to him." she says. "I don't want to be with him anymore." I tell her and move over to my desk to work. Heather walks over to her desk and leaves me alone.

I finish with work and head home. Pulling into my driveway, EZ is sitting on my steps. I sit in my car and try to get myself together enough to face him. I finally get out of the car and he stands up. I walk up to my steps and he asks "Can we talk? Please?" Sighing, I unlock the door and walk in, leaving it opened for him to walk in behind me. He closes the door and I move to the kitchen and lean against the counter and he leans against the doorframe. "Do you love me?" he asks. "Doesn't matter. What do you need?" I ask. "It matters to me." he says and I don't answer. "Well, let me answer that for you. I love you. Only you. I told you my heart only beats for you and I mean it. It does." he tells me. I shake my head no. "You don't think so?" he asks. I don't say anything. He doesn't move from his spot but asks "Do you want to be with me?" I shake my head no but I don't look at him. "Look at me and tell me you don't and I'll leave you alone." he tells me. I look at him and say "I can't be with you. You should take your ex up on her offer." I tell him. "I don't want her. I want you." he tells me and I shake my head no. "She wants to be with me and you know what I told her? I told her that it would never happen because I finally found the woman I want to spend the rest of my life worshiping. The woman that I want to spend the rest of my life showing how much I fucking love her. The woman that I want to give my last name. To watch her carrying my child. To watch her rocking our child to sleep. To be beside me every day for the rest of my life." he tells me and when I open my eyes, he's standing in front of me. Cupping my face, he wipes my tears and asks "Do you love me?" I nod my head yes and he says "Then be with me. Don't push me away because you think you're not enough. You're more than enough for me. You're it for me." he tells me and I start to sob. He pulls me close and I let him. Once I get myself together, I pull away. "I just need a few days to get my head right, okay?" I say. "Okay Bello but if you need me, I'm a phone call away. You call and I'll be here in a heartbeat." he tells me. I just nod my head. Kissing me softly, he whispers against my lips "I love you Aria. More than anything in this world." The tears start to fall again and I just press a soft kiss to his lips. He steps away and heads for the door. Before walking out, he turns to me and says "I love you." before walking out the door and closing it behind him and I slide down to the floor, sobbing.

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