Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

A little later we are lying in bed, Heather and Angel gone, and I am snuggled into EZ's chest. "I could get used to this." I say. He tilts my head up and says "I'm not going anywhere Bello." I smile softly and kiss his lips and say "Me neither." and I see him smile back. His hand caresses my cheek and we just look at each other. I honestly have never felt more at peace. He pulls me closer and I fall asleep in his arms.

Waking up the next morning, I am in bed alone. I sit up and see the bedroom door open up and EZ walks in and has a tray of food. Sitting it down on the bed, he sits beside me and kisses me softly. "Good morning Bello. Thought I'd make you breakfast." he tells me. I look down to tray of food and back to him and ask "Could you be more perfect?" He smiles and says "Just making sure you're treated how you should be." he tells me. We eat breakfast and are sitting against the headboard side by side. He takes my hand and laces his fingers with mine and sees me looking at our hands. "What are you thinking about Bello?" he asks. "About us. Where are you wanting this to go EZ? What are you expecting?" I ask. "Only thing I'm expecting is an honest chance to have something with you. I want us to be together and just see where it goes. I'm not going to lie. I would love to get married someday and have a family but I just want a chance at something with you." he tells me. I look up at him and smile softly. "I'd like that too." I tell him.

After we talk a little more and decide we are both on the same page with this relationship, we get up and get dressed. "You feel like coming to the clubhouse?" he asks. "Yeah. The guys are really nice." I tell him. "Yeah they are." he tells me. We finally make it out the door and head to the clubhouse on the back of EZ's bike and I'm not as sore as I was yesterday.

Pulling up to the scrapyard, we pull up to the camper that EZ has been staying in. "I just need to grab enough for a few more days." He tells me as we head to the camper. Walking inside, we see a woman in there. "The man with the strange hands let me in. I hope that's okay." she says. He looks at me and grabs my hand and I feel him pull me closer. "What do you need Emily?" he asks. "Can we talk? Alone?" she asks. "Anything you want to say you can say in front of my girlfriend." he tells her. Emily sighs and says "My baby is missing. I need your help finding him." she tells him. "I can't help you. You need to talk to your husband." he tells her. "My husband is the reason my son was taken." she tells him. EZ leads me to sit down, knowing I am still sore and Emily looks at me. "Are you okay?" she asks. "Just sore." I tell her and she nods. Looking back at EZ she says "I just...I feel like this is karma for what I did to you." she says and I go to stand but EZ stops me. "You and her need to talk." I tell him. "And we can talk in front of you. I don't want any secrets." he tells me and I nod and stay seated. "Why do you think it's karma?" he asks Emily. "EZ I aborted our baby for spite. I did it to get even with you." she tells him and he just looks at her and I speak up. "That doesn't mean this is karma. You were young right?" I ask and she nods. "I was eighteen." she says. "Everything happens for a reason. You have to trust that. Doesn't mean the reason is fair or that it makes sense but there is a reason. You just have to have faith that your baby will come home safe." I tell her. She looks at me and nods. "I'll let you two be. Just please think about it EZ." she says and he nods.

After she leaves, he looks at me and says "I don't want any secrets. She and I dated in high school but when I went to prison, I called things off with her. I didn't know until after that she was pregnant. She's married to Miguel Galindo and is I know where her baby is." He tells me. "Where?" I ask him shocked. "He's with a woman named Adelita. She's with the los olvidados. The orphans left from the shit that the Galindo Cartel has done." he tells me. "Why do they have her son?" I ask. "Because she wants to use him as leverage to get Galindo to do what she wants." he tells me. "Holy shit. Who else knows about this?" I ask. "Angel, Coco and Gilly. We are all helping her but the club doesn't know yet." he tells me. "EZ, a baby is not a bargaining chip." I tell him. "I know." he tells me softly. "You have to tell the guys and see what they say. There might be a way that the baby can make it home safe, her achieve her goals and you guys still stay safe. Have them come to my house tonight where we can all talk." I tell him. He looks at me shocked and I say "You're mine EZ. You said no secrets. You have been taking care of me so now it's my turn to take care of you." I tell him. He kisses me deeply before putting his forehead to mine and we just sit.

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