Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Waking up the next morning, I have my back to EZ and he's holding me as close as he can get me. I slip out of bed without waking him and head to the bar for some coffee. I am halfway through my first cup when I feel a pair of arms wrap around me from behind. I turn to kiss him and he says "Woke up and you were gone." he tells me. "Needed coffee." I say and he looks at me concerned. I kiss him one more time and say "I'm good baby. I promise." He kisses me again and deepens the kiss and I can't help the moan that slips from my lips. He pulls away with a smirk and my head is spinning. "Damn baby." I say and he laughs. He takes the seat next to me and pulls me to stand between his legs. I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands go to my hips and we just enjoy being close.

A little later, I head home and he has some club business to handle. I am in the living room and go to stand and hear a gunshot and feel a sharp pain in my side. I look down and see blood coming from my side and I start to fall to the floor, and everything goes black. I wake up a little later and am in a hospital room. "EZ." I rasp and he jumps up and cups my face. "Baby, you're awake." he says. "What happened?" I ask. "I came home and you were on the floor bleeding. Do you remember anything?" he asks. "I stood up and heard a gunshot and I passed out." I tell him. "We're looking into who did it." he says and I see his hand on my stomach. "Did you know?" he asks. "What?" I ask. "Baby, you're pregnant." he tells me and my eyes go wide. "Oh God." I say. "The baby is fine. I'll get the doctor." he says and he pushes the button for the nurse. "She's awake." he says. "We'll let the doctor know." the nurse says. A few minutes later, the doctor comes in and asks "How are you feeling?" I look at him and say "Hurting a little but not too bad." I tell him. "Well, you were shot in the side but it missed all internal organs. But we did an ultrasound to make sure that the little one is okay and your baby is good and strong." he tells me. "How far along am I?" I ask. "Seven weeks." he tells me. "I'll have the nurse bring in the ultrasound machine so you can see your baby. We want to keep you for a few days before we let you go home." he tells me and I just nod.

A little later, the nurse comes in with the ultrasound machine and she puts the gel on my stomach before moving the wand around and we hear the heartbeat. "Oh my God." I whisper and EZ kisses my temple. She moves it around a little more and we see a little blob on the screen. "This little blob right here is your baby." she tells us and I can't help but smile and a tear falls. After she prints the pictures and hands them to me, she takes the machine out of the room and EZ looks at me and smiles. "We're having a baby." I whisper. Kissing me softly he says "Yeah baby we are." He looks at me and my smile fades. "Someone tried to kill me and our baby." I say. "We're going to find out who it is. I promise." he tells me and I just nod. I move over a little and he lays on the bed next to me and just holds me, with his hand on my stomach.

A little later, Angel comes in and sits on the opposite side of the bed as EZ and asks "How you feeling Mana?" I shift a little and say "Sore but okay. Little one is good too." I tell him and his eyes go wide. "Little one?" he asks. We both nod and he hugs us both. "Congrats." he tells us. "Now, what's up Tio Angel." I say smirking and he smirks back. "We found out who shot you. Or who set it up." he tells me. "Let me guess. Emily Galindo." I say and Angel nods. "You talked to Galindo about this?" EZ asks. "Yeah and he says we can do whatever we need to do. He's done with her. All he wants is his son so it needs to be outsourced." Angel tells me. EZ looks at him and asks "Outsourced?" Angel nods and says "Yeah. Galindo can't let his men do it. Would raise too much suspicion. Same if we do it knowing we are working with Galindo." Angel says. "Redwood?" EZ asks and Angel nods. "Good." I say, rubbing my stomach. "We'll handle it. You just hang here with your family and I'll keep you posted." Angel says. We nod and he hugs us both before seeing himself out.

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