Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

After riding around and talking all day, we head back to my house. Sitting on the porch swing, talking, his phone rings. He answers the call and when he hangs up, he looks at me. "Club calls." he says. "Okay." I say simply. He leans over and kisses me softly. "I had fun today." I tell him. "Me too. Can I text you later?" he asks. "Text or call. Either one." I tell him. He stands up and I do too. I walk him to his bike and kiss him one more time. "Be safe." I tell him. "I will. Talk to you later." he says before he starts up the bike and backs out of my driveway.

After he leaves, I shower and lay in bed to watch something on Netflix. Halfway through the second movie, my phone goes off with a text. I smile when I see it's EZ.

E: Hola Bello.

A: Hola Handsome.

E: What are you doing?

A: Laying in bed watching a movie. How was your day? You whole?

E: Yeah. I'm whole. Sitting in my camper realizing your bed is more comfortable than mine.

A: Is that so?

E: Yeah. Plus, yours has a beautiful woman in it.

A: Smooth. That your way of asking if you can spend the night again? You know, since you can't count?

E: Man's gotta try. Can't let a beautiful woman forget about me.

A: Well, my bed is too big for just me. You have ten minutes before I lock up the house and shut off the lights.

E: I'll be there in five.

True to his word, five minutes later, he was standing at my door knocking. I open the door and as soon as he sees me in my tank top and panties, he pulls me to him and shuts the door with his foot. He reaches back and locks the door before picking me up and carrying me to the bedroom. Laying me on the bed he says "This is much better." I start laughing and his lips softly touch mine. He kisses me softly and deepens the kiss just a little. "Get undressed." I whisper. He strips down to his boxer briefs and climbs into bed next to me. He lays facing me and caresses my face. All I can think about, though, is not getting too close. He pulls me to him and kisses me deeply. I pull him to hover over me and the kiss deepens before we start shedding clothes and he enters me slowly. Once we reach our release, I turn with my back to him and snuggle into him as we drift off to sleep.

Waking up the next morning, we both get up and ready for our day. Heading out to my car, he kisses me goodbye before heading off to work himself. I get to work and walk inside and Amanda walks up to me. "How was your weekend?" she asks. "Good. Spent a little time with EZ." I tell her. "I bet you did." she tells me, motioning to her neck. "He marked me didn't he?" I ask. "Just a little." she says smirking and I just shake my head smiling. After finishing out my day, I get home and Tony is waiting on my porch. "What do you want Tony?" I ask. "We need to talk." he tells me. "No we don't." I say. He shoves me against the front door and says "Open the goddamn door." I nod and open the door. Getting inside, he says "You belong to me. You won't see that mother fucker again. You hear me? I find out he's here, I'll put a bullet in his head." he tells me and I just nod knowing he will do it. All of a sudden he shoves me into the wall and I feel him start to punch me over and over until I see black.

I come to and he gone. I sit up and make myself stand up and move to the couch. I can feel my eyes swollen and my lip busted. I pick up my phone and text my boss that I won't be there for a few days and she responds telling me to feel better. I slowly make my way to the bathroom and look in the full length mirror. I see my face busted up and already bruising and raise my shirt and see bruises already forming all along my ribs. I move to the bed and my phone buzzes with a text.

E: Hola Bello.

A: Hola.

E: Was wondering if you wanted to get dinner.

A: Maybe some other time.

E: You okay?

A: Yeah. I'll text you later.

E: Yeah. Okay. Call me if you need anything.

A: Thanks.

I move to the shower and try to clean up a bit. I get out of the shower and change into some baggy sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt when there's a knock on the door. I walk to the door and see EZ standing outside with his brother Angel. I don't answer. "Aria. I know you're in there babe. Open the door." EZ says. I walk to the door and crack it open but not enough for him to see me. "You should leave." I tell him. "What? Why?" he asks confused. "Look, you're a nice guy and all but I..." I start and he pushes the door open a little more and sees me. "Shit." he says as he walks into my house, his brother behind him. He gently cups my face and asks "Who did this?" I pull away from him and say "Don't worry about it." I walk over to the door and hold it open and say "You really should go." He looks at me and asks "Tony?" I don't answer. I just repeat. "You should go." I tell him. He walks over to me and says "Please talk to me. Tell me who did this to you?" he asks. I shake my head. "It's not your concern. Just go. Please." I say and I am almost in tears. "Yeah. Okay." he says. He kisses my cheek and says "You need me. You call me. I don't care what time it is." he tells me and I just nod. Him and Angel leave and I slide down the door sobbing.

Angel and EZ pull up to the clubhouse and Angel asks "Tony. That the fucker from Friday night?" EZ just nods. "You think he did that to her?" Angel asks and EZ says "Yeah. I do. He showed up Saturday morning telling the cops that he was living with her and that he had asked me to leave telling her that he can do anything he wanted. His dad knows some judge or some shit." EZ says. "What are we going to do?" Angel asks. "We aren't doing anything. I'll handle him." EZ says. "Nope. We are, little brother. She your girl?" Angel asks and EZ nods. "Then we got this. Let's find that fucker." Angel says and EZ just nods. Picking up his phone he calls me. I let it go to voicemail. Then a text comes through. I meant it when I said you were my girl. I won't let him hurt you again. It says. I look at it and text back I'm not your girl. It was just a hookup. My problem not yours. Just leave it. Goodbye.I say and put the phone down and sob. EZ shows the text to Angel and Angel calls Heather. "Can you head over to Aria's? No. She's not okay." he tells her before ending the call.

I hear a knock on the door and when I open it, I see Heather standing there. I let her in. "What are you doing here?" I ask. "Angel called me. Asked if I could come and check on you. What the fuck happened?" she asks. "EZ spent the weekend here and didn't leave until this morning. I got off work and Tony was here. He beat the shit out of me and then told me to stop seeing EZ. Him and Angel came over and I finally got them to leave. He's texting me telling me that I'm his girl and that he won't let Tony hurt me again. I can't be his girl. I told him I wasn't his girl. Tony won't let me move on." I tell her as the tears start falling again. "Fuck that. You into EZ?" she asks me and I nod. "Then be with him. Let him and Angel handle Tony." she tells me and I shake my head no. She picks up her phone. "Hey baby. Can you and your brother come to Aria's. We need to talk." she says and I try to stop her. "See you soon." she says before hanging up.

A few minutes later she lets them in the front door. EZ walks over to me and I back away from him. "Don't." I say softly. He walks over to me anyway and asks "Do you want to be with me?" I don't answer. "Do you want to be with me?" he asks again and I nod my head yes. "Then you're my girl. We'll handle Tony." he tells me. I look up at him and he kisses me softly and says "I won't let him hurt you again." I just nod and he pulls me into him and I wince. "How bad is it?" he asks. "Just bruised. Nothing broken." I tell him. He holds me as close as he can get me and kisses me softly. We sit on the couch and EZ and Angel talk about what they are going to do to stop Tony.

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