Chapter 5

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Elizabythe's POV

After my slightly intoxicated nap, I moved the blankets off of me just as I heard a commotion outside. All the crew was leaving for some reason, something about upgrading the Morrigan's firearms.

The Captain walked briskly through the door and closed it behind him.

"We 'ave to go, Miss Freya," Shay said. "My ship's getting new cannons."

"That's good news, Shay. Would you mind helping me stand up?"

After Shay slung my bags over his shoulder, I put my glasses back on. Shay lifted my back gently upwards until I could hold myself up. Then, he gingerly moved my legs over the side of the bed and cupped his arm under them. After wrapping his free arm around my back, he lifted me up and slowly carried me up on deck and off his ship.

As he was walking off the port and into town, I figured now was the time to tell him. "Shay...I cannot stay on your ship anymore."

He stopped walking and turned his head to look at me. "Miss Freya...I-I don't understand--"

"I'm sorry, Shay, but its not fair to you to stay on your ship while I am still recovering. You have your own agenda, I don't want to be a burden."

"You're not a burden, Miss Freya."

"Yes, I am...I cannot work on deck with the others. I cant work below deck. I cant help with whatever business you have in Albany. I can barely walk; what if there were a fight on your ship? I cannot help defend the Morrigan. If there is no other purpose I can serve, then I am nothing. I'm of no use to you."

Shay tightened his grip on me, pulling me closer to his face. "Stop speaking like this, lass. You are not nothing. Don't tear yourself down for me....But you do make a good point. You need a safer place to be taken care of."

"I cannot return to my father's homestead. Not after the mutiny. Do you of somewhere I could go stay for awhile?"

After a sigh and moment of silence, Shay smiled. "I know just the place."

He walked for a long time until he came to a house with an old wooden door. Since his hands were full, I knocked on the door for him.

"Who goes there?" A harsh, old man's voice barked.

"It's just me, Mister Finnegan."

The door quickly opened and I saw an old man in his late 60's, early 70's in a plaid, long-sleeved shirt; a dark, leather vest; light brown trousers, stockings and leather shoes. His grumbly nature seemed to melt away at the sight of the man who rescued me.

"Ah, Shay Cormac! It's great to see you again."


"Please, com, come on in."

Shay eagerly stepped inside and set me lightly on the ground, holding me up by my back with my arm around his shoulders.

"I see you've brought a lovely lady with 'ya also..." Mister Finnegan then turned to the stairs behind him as an older woman descended the stairs. She had a nice, plump careworn face with a white bonnet; a gray dress with puffy, ruffled sleeves; a thick, blue shawl with a white bow and a long, blue apron with a pocket and a frilly embroidered outline.

"I thought I heard someone down here....Shay, how nice of you to visit. And who is this young lady?"

"Miss Freya, I'd like you to meet Mister and Missus Finnegan."

"It's nice to meet you, darlin'." Missus Finnegan gave a nice, gentle hug.

"Thank you, ma'am. It's very nice to meet you and your husband."

"You sound like a proper lady, Miss Freya. I am Cassidy and this is my husband--"

"Barry Finnegan!"

"Stop that, honey." Cassidy scolded him.

"Oh, you can call me Elizabythe, Miss Cassidy."

" what brings you to our home, Shay?"

"I rescued this lass while out on my ship. Had gotten into a serious fight, fell into the water and left for dead. She's finally gettin' better, but my ship is not the safest shelter for her at the moment..."

"Oh, my, you poor, sweet child. You're lucky to have run into Shay here. He's a lovely gentleman."

"Will you please take care of Miss Freya for me?" Shay asked. "She needs to rest her broken leg she has. My vessel is not safe enough for what she needs."

"Of course we will, Shay," Cassidy smiled and took both of my hands to help me walk. "She will be better before you know it. Barry, help the lady to the guest room."

Before Mister finnegan could help me to my room, Shay spoke.

"You're in good hands now, Miss Freya. You'll be safe."

"Please, Shay, call me Elizabythe."

"I have to leave you now, but we will meet again, lass."

"I'm not so sure we will," I said, frowning. "You seem to be pretty busy. You'll just forget about me...."

"Lass, look at me," Shay cupped my chin and lifted my head up. "I will never forget about you, Miss Freya."

Feels like he's being proper on purpose, just to vex me. "Shay, how many times must I tell you to call me Elizabythe?" A chuckle escaped my lips.

Shay flashed a charming smile. "I'll let you know..."

I smirked at him. Haha, he was vexing me. Slick, Irish rascal.

"I'll be on my way, then." Shay said, sounding somewhat sad.

"Don't be a stranger, boy." Barry said, giving him a sturdy handshake.

"Yes, do come to visit us again sometime." Cassidy hugged him good-bye as he made his way to the door.

"I shall, Miss Cassidy."

"Sometime soon, I hope."

As the door creaked open, Shay turned once more to look back at me, frowned and gave a big sigh.

"Goodbye, Mister Shay." I said firmly. "Godspeed."

"Goodbye." Shay stepped out and closed the door behind him, muttering Elizabythe's name under his breath as he reluctantly walked away.

The Captain's Journal (Shay Cormac x OC Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora