Captain's Journal Entry 3

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The Finnegans' set me up in a very nice, open room. They said it was their late son's. He liked to read his books; he had 2 large bookshelves full of them. I asked the Finnegans how they came to know Shay. Cassidy said that Colonel George Monro had found him stranded, delirious and nearly dead after betraying the Assassin Order and took Shay to the Finnegans. He was ill for nearly 7 weeks. I told them it was very nice of them to take him in as well as help me with my own injuries.

I told them that I was suspicious of Shay, having some sort of agenda or sinister motive for helping to rescue me and have me on his ship while going to Albany. He stopped just to build a campfire for me. He sacrificed valuable time to help me when he could have been running his ship.

They told me that I need not worry about Shay Cormac. He was a kind, civilized gentleman, or, at least, that's what they thought of him. But I knew he was dedicated to the Templar cause, as was my father; he was a busy man and Shay, I figured, would be no different. After a few days, maybe a week, I was certain Shay would forget my face and move on with his life. The Finnegans told me different, they were certain that Shay would come back just to visit me.

I asked them if I could tell them something in confidence. Not a word to anyone else, for my own safety. They were all ears, so I told them all I could. My name was Elizabythe Annabell Freya. I lived in New York. I had a stepbrother named Hunter and a stepsister named Seraphine. My mother and father's names were Emilly and Allistair Freya. My father was captain of a frigate called the Siren's Wrath. It had large, dark blue sails; a mermaid's bust on the front; and a large, black flag on the end decorated with a shimmering, silver mermaid tail fin. His first mate was James Locke Macintosh. James and my father had a fight over who would claim his ship, continue his work with the Templar Order and inherit his Piece of Eden. So he left me a letter in his quarters for me to open in due time. Father said that he had the apple hidden in a place no one would think to look; it was with someone that was always with the ship wherever he went.

He said that family was the only real wealth anyone had. Money had no heart or soul. He kept those he loved close. So, my father threatened to kick him off his ship should anything happen to me. He was his first mate, but blood is thicker than water. Family came before anyone else, no matter what the age. There was a time and place for everything. Even me.

As I saw my father's head being shot, I panicked. Then the anger set in.

James tried to force me to hand them over to him. He objected to a ship being captained by a woman. He also despised that he would leave two powerful artifacts to a mere child that had no business being with him on his ship for several years, learning about the Templars and Assassins.

Barry and Cassidy now knew why I was in such terrible shape. James tried to rape me, but I had escaped with whatever I could pack up. I managed to fend off James's conspirators, along with my more loyal crew, but I was eventually overwhelmed. They threw me overboard in the Northern Atlantic. My loyal crew members were locked up below deck.

I managed to find a shore to swim to, despite it being blanketed with snow. I managed to build a fire, but my wounds and cuts were too great. The warmth did little to help me. I eventually passed out from losing too much blood.

Barry and Cassidy said that anyone else would have been dead in my situation. To this day, I still don't know how I survived this.

Now that Shay is gone, I can now focus on getting better and tracking down my ship and James and retrieve my father's things. But there was not too much to worry about. The sphere could not be pieced together without me. My father said the last piece was in a safe location kept under lock and key. Knowing my father, it was some sort of puzzle for me to figure out.

Can't do anything while I am sick and injured. So I'll enjoy my time here while I still can.

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