Chapter 10

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I went ahead and put my long hair up in a bun with a braid, hanging in front of each of my ears. I wore my Father's Templar cross necklace, and a pair of sapphire earrings. I wore a black dress with accents of red with my beige heels. I have never been so nervous about having someone over to the house in a long, long time.

As I looked out my attic window to the path I took whenever I headed into town, I saw my brother and sister with Shay and, to my surprise, Gist. Artemis, who was on the balcony, chattered happily and paced back and forth.

I could just barely hear my brother say, "Gentlemen, welcome to our homestead." I shrunk back inside my attic when I saw Shay look up at the top of the house where my window was. I felt myself trembling and wobbling at the ankles. Just calm down, Ellie; he's just a man, albeit a handsome one at that.

Just then, I heard a barrage of footsteps followed by the door opening and a boisterous commotion. I hurried out of my attic room, went down the stairs to second floor and saw the living room, overflowing with our staff, my siblings, and Shay and Gist with their backs to the staircase.

"A pleasure to meet you at last, Master Cormac." My butler complimented. "I am Geoffrey, this is my wife, Dorothea. Next to you are our stablehands, Mr. Anton and Mr. Gideon. And next to me is our cook, William. We are all very pleased to meet you at last. Our lady of the house has told us so much about you. And who is your plus one, if you don't mind?"

"This is Christopher Gist, an old friend and my first mate." Shay said. "I hope you don't mind my bringing him here to your home."

"Not at all, Mister Cormac," Dorothea said. ""Any friend of Elizabythe's is a friend of ours. Miss Freya's made sure that you had a great feast, Captain."

Shay smiled. "How much did my lass tell you about me?"

"Enough for us to get an ear-full."

"Dory, behave." Geoffrey muttered.

"So, we still have some things to do for dinner tonight, so just make yourselves at home. Call me or my wife should you require anything."

"Miss Freya has invited you both to stay with us during your stay here in New York." Dorothea said to Shay and Gist.

"Well, I must say," Gist said this loud enough to echo. "The lady sure know how to look after company."

"Of course she does," Geoffrey said. "She had to learn it from her Father. She never really enjoyed party-planning, that is Seraphine's forte."

"So, Mister Gist, how about you and me take our horses out for a little walk?" Seraphine was always the straight-shooter. She set her sights on someone and she never stops. She takes the gloves off, strutting her stuff and using her more seductive charm to leave a man weak in the knees.

"Oh, that's not fair; how can I say 'no' to a lovely lady like yourself?"

"You can't, Mister Gist." Sera said, grabbing his loose necktie. "Follow me."

Shay chuckled at Sera's flirting with Gist. "Have fun, Master Gist...That's an order." Gist laughed at him.

"Yes, sir!"

As he said his goodbyes to his friend who was swept away by my sister, I saw him turn his body to leave, so I quietly rushed back into my room. UGH, why? Why am I panicking so much?! Just calm down. Like they all said, how dangerous could it be? I was at home, safe and sound. I had the whole rest of my family here. I was the happiest I've ever been in my life. Why is it so hard to let my guard down in front of Shay Cormac?

I was almost done, consoling myself and trying to calm down when I heard Shay's footsteps, scurrying upstairs, down the hallway and stopped at my stairs.

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