Chapter 16~ A New Start

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Freed woke up the next day with a smile. And the next day. And the next day. And the next week. Life was going good.

Freed and Rufus were officially dating after their second date which had been a simple picnic in the park. Their third date had been to paint their clay creations which were now proudly being stored in Rufus's room on the mantel above the fireplace.

Freed sighed happily as he slowly stood, stretching before hopping into the shower. The hot water washed away any unhappiness he might've had and soon he was heading downstairs where his boyfriend was making breakfast. He smiled and hugged onto Rufus gently from behind, kissing his cheek.
"Morning babe. Smells good in here."

Rufus smirked some as he leaned into his lovers kiss, turning his head around to kiss him properly.
"Chocolate chip pancakes with scrambled eggs and sausage. I know how much of a sweet tooth you actually are."
He turned around and hugged onto Freed happily, peppering his face with kisses.

Freed shrieked in surprise and laughed happily under all of the kisses, struggling to get away.
"Rufusssss I wanna eattttt!"

Rufus huffed and placed one last kiss on his lips before letting his lover go and sit down, setting a plate in front of him.
"Fine only because I love you. Now eat."

Rufus and Freed ate in mostly silence, Freed just waking up and Rufus just enjoying their mornings together.

Freed eventually finished eating and cleared his throat.
"Rufus can I talk to you about something?"

Rufus looked up from the pancake he was cutting and smiled as he nodded.
"Of course darling. What's on your mind?"

"I want to join Sabertooth."

Rufus has just taken a bite of his food before dropping his fork and pounding on his chicest, startled to the point of food going down the wrong pipe. He eventually was stabilized again, staring at his lover in shock.
"Really? Don't you want to go back to Fairytail? With your friends?"

Freed smiled and blushed lightly as he shook his head, playing with the ends of his hair nervously.
"No. I like the life I'm starting here. With you. And me being healthy again. And I think it's time I joined a guild again and I kinda...want to be in yours so we're together still..."
Freed was a blushing mess by the end of his mini speech, embarrassed to be admitting all his feelings up front.

Rufus grinned as he stood, picking Freed up bridal style in his arms and twirling him around.
"Let's go do it then! After breakfast! Oh I'm so excited Freed I love you so much."
He started peppering the rune mages face with more kisses, excited to show his mate around the guild.

Freed and Rufus spent the rest of their morning cuddling and kissing and cleaning up before Rufus put on his signature mask. Both males held hands happily as they headed to the guild of Sabertooth.

Rufus bowed some as he held the door open for Freed, smiling eagerly.
"My princess. Please allow me to be your guide."

Freed laughed as he walked in, letting his eyes roam around eagerly. He vaguely felt Rufus's hand slip into his own as he kept looking over all the mages and decorations of the guild. He felt an arm wrap around his shoulder and tug him away, drawing him back to the real world.
"Hey! Sting? Let me go please."

Sting laughed happily as he pulled the poor greenette into a hug.
"Hey you're all better!! Rufus wouldn't let none of us see you while he helped you recover. You heading back to Magnolia then?"

Rogue sighed and shook his head as he went and pulled Sting away from Freed, while Rufus hugged onto Freed possessively from behind.
"Hello again Freed. I'm glad you're well again. Sorry about Sting. He's always like this...What brings you to our guild?

Freed relaxed back in Rufus's arms as he waved a bit at Rogue, happy to be out of Stings tight hug.
"I uh actually...I'm not going back to Fairytail. I got rid of my mark long ago. I was hoping to actually join Sabertooth."

Rogues eyes widened in shock. At the same time, Stings jaw dropped before he cheered.
"Hell yeah! Let's go do this. YUKINO! BRING THE STAMP!!"
Sting ran off to his office eagerly, cheering the whole way.

Rogue slowly smiled and crossed his arms.
"We'd be happy to welcome you. It's just nice to see that Rufus actually might be settling down a bit. I'm going to go help Sting. Only I know where anything is in that office of his."
Rogue smiled as he went upstairs.

Freed was relieved that they didn't reject him, turning around to hug onto Rufus.
"Thank goodness. I was so afraid they'd test me or something."

Rufus chuckled as he kissed his forehead, holding him close.
"Test you? They saw your abilities in the past. We fought dragons together. They know your skilled and that you're always gaining more knowledge. Besides we aren't the same guild now that Sting has taken over. It's better here. Much much better."

Freed smiled and just relaxed against Rufus until Rogue appeared again with Sting who was holding a stamp.

Sting grinned as he held the stamp up.
"Color and location?"

Freed frowned in thought before holding out his left hand with a smile.
"I'd like it in red please."

Sting grinned and nodded as he applied the stamp. Rogue was smiling some as well as he watched. Rufus held Freed lightly as he watched eagerly.

Once the stamp had been removed, Sabertooths mark shone in red on the back of the new guild mages hands.

Sting cheered and fist pumped the air.
Sting kept cheering as he ran off excitedly to celebrate with everyone else.

Rogue shook his head a bit with a small smile as he sighed. He smiled again at Freed before waving.
"Welcome to Sabertooth Freed. I'd better go settle him down before he destroys something."

Freed was barely paying any attention anymore, staring at the new guildmark on his hand. He teared up happily before hugging onto Rufus.
"I'm a mage again. I can't believe it after all this time..."

Rufus grinned and pulled him into a kiss.
"So why red? Your previous mark was the color of your hair I recall?"

Freed blushed before smiling.
"It reminds me of you. It's the color of your outfit and no matter how far apart we'll'll always be with me."

Rufus teared up some, but didn't let it show as he kissed Freed lovingly, ignoring his guildmates cheers and whoops for them.
"Welcome home Freed."

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