Chapter 21~ Anothers Celebration

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Freed was in a state of bliss. He and Rufus were doing well with the jobs they were taking in regularly, both together and separately. Days turned into weeks that turned into months. 3 months to be exact.

All that happiness was shattered now, by a letter Freed was holding, shaking as he forced himself to hold back tears. The sound of the door closing had Freed looking up instantly, letting out a sob at the sight of Rufus.

Rufus looked confused before dropping his bag and running over, holding the male close against him.
"Hey? What's wrong? Miss me that much?"

Freed kept crying, shaking his head as he held out the letter to Rufus.
"J-just read!"

Rufus nodded and rubbed Freed back with one arm as he read the letter, slowly frowning.
"Rufus Lore And Freed Justine. It is our pleasure to formerly invite you to the wedding or Laxus Dreyar and Mirajane Strauss on the 18 of April. The ceremony will start at 1, with reception lasting all night. We hope you can make it. Laxus and Mira...oh shit Freed. I'm so sorry. They're horrible people really. Hey come on. Let's go upstairs and I'll brush your hair and run a hot bath for us."

Freed kept crying, slowly nodding as he hugged onto Rufus, both of them slowly walking upstairs and into the room. Soon they were in the bath, Rufus holding Freed to his body.
"Hey now that you're calm and everything...what do you want to do about it?"

"I'm sorry you had to see me like that. It was just...I'm over him and all, but they didn't bother asking if I was alright or how or anything. No they just invited us to a stupid wedding. It really hurts. I always knew they didn't care as much and everything, but it sucks to get confirmation of..."

Rufus frowned and pulled Freed into a kiss to shut him up, growling possessively.
"Don't think like that. We don't have to go if you don't want too. I don't care either way. I just want you to be happy love."

Freed kissed him back happily, slowly smiling.
"We're going to that wedding. I want to show them how good I am now. Plus I want to show off how hot my boyfriend is compared to anyone they're dating. I'm happier than anyone could ever be."

Rufus nodded and smiled, kissing him again, both men just enjoying each other again.

The outside of Fairy Tail looked the same as always, with just some extra flowers decorating the outside. Freed smiled as Rufus squeezed his hand reassuringly, leaning over to kiss his cheek.
"I prefer you without the hat honestly. Looks more natural."

"I have appearances to keep up darling. But only you get to see my face all the time. Now shall we?"

Freed grinned and nodded, walking inside hand and hand with Rufus.
"Let's see how all this drama unfolds shall we?"

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