Paint and Steinbeck

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A/N: If you love Steinbeck, sorry for picking on him. I didn't know what other author to make Tris hate, since Steinbeck happens to be the one that I personally am literally incapable of reading. Anyway! This is late. Sorry. Writing is not coming easily to me these past couple of weeks. It happens sometimes, it will get better, can't promise that the next one will come any quicker though. So, thanks for being patient! I appreciate everyone who has read, voted, or taken a moment to comment!

MONDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 2016 | 10:15 AM | TRIS

Uriah's first ever job was at a grocery store, and he was fired on the third day. He insists on taking responsibility for that, which is good, but I still feel at least partially to blame. It was the first time I tried visiting him at work and, well, Uriah is easily distracted... which led to him knocking over a rack of wine bottles. Seven of them shattered all over the floor. Apparently the manager was already less than impressed with Uriah and that was the last straw. When he got his second job, at a gas station, I made sure to go elsewhere for fuel.

That's probably why I have yet to visit the sporting goods store where Uriah works. Even when I saw the leftovers still neatly packaged in the fridge, I hesitated. But he was so looking forward to bringing his favorite Chinese dish for lunch, and he has been at Deek & Brian's for three months without issue, so I wrapped the food in a plastic shopping bag and placed it carefully into my backpack before hurrying out the door forty-five minutes before I would usually leave for class.

Even now that I have just parked my bike on the curb on Stark Street I am nervous to go in. Reminding myself that he has invited me to visit many times now, that his bosses are much more lax than that asshole supermarket manager, and wanting to get out of the neverending rain, I check for traffic and race across the street.

The store is large with plenty of natural light streaming in through high windows, despite the gloomy gray of the sky outside. There are areas for water sports, fishing, snowboards and skiing, to name a few. I only get a moment to take the place in before I hear Uriah's voice.

"Tris!" he calls out. He is coming out of a storeroom with a large box in his hands. He quickly maneuvers behind a counter and sets it down before he bounces through the store to meet me. We hug and I feel his lips briefly press against my forehead.

"You forgot your lunch," I inform him.

"You weren't afraid you'd get me fired?" he smirks.

"Yes, actually, I was. So let's stay away from anything breakable."

Uriah laughs. "Let me introduce you to everyone, and then I can ask my boss if I can take my break early," he says. "Plus, I just set something aside for you for this weekend!" I can't help smiling at the energy he exudes. Sometimes he reminds me of an overexcited puppy.

There are three other guys and a girl on shift. I am a little overwhelmed by the repeated nice-to-finally-meet-yous; it's obvious that Uriah has talked a lot about me, which makes me smile. I know my coworkers have heard plenty about him, too, though they all know him as he comes in to the pub fairly often.

Even the part-owner seems to know me when Uriah goes to ask for his break. "So, Uriah says you two are heading up to Meadows this weekend. Ever been snowboarding on a real mountain?" Bryan teases.

"No, just the little hills near Chicago," I admit, "but I can't wait!"

"I don't know why we never made it up to that glacier," Uriah frowns.

I poke him in the side. "Because we have jobs now, and there were too many summery things to do while it was nice out."

"Sounds like you two had quite the summer," Bryan says. "Uriah, why don't you take a break. Show your girl that gear you set aside for her yesterday."

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