Chapter 4

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Lyra's giggles greet me as I rejoin my family on the patio carrying a tray of waffles. I set the tray down on the already lavishly spread table. I look over to where Rowan was holding Lyra. Carys and my mom are bent over, heads close speaking non-sense to Lyra who finds them amusing. "Mom, can you help me with something for a minute?" She joins me at the table while I fidget with some dishes.

"What is it, hon? Mmmmm everything looks great."

"I know. I just want to give Carys and Rowan some alone time with Lyra."

"Well, I didn't mean to intrude it's just..." I follow her gaze over to the trio.

"Mom, she doesn't get to spend every day with her like you do."

"It's not just that honey. It's just so..." I sigh not wanting to hear the rest. I know what she means. Awkward. My mother is nurturing and maternal by instinct. Carys is not and frankly the apple didn't fall from the tree for Rowan. Fatherhood just doesn't come easy to him. I never thought I'd even have kids (many women from the Order choose not to, or simply cannot due to the toll our body takes in battle), but when Lyra came along, my entire world shifted. Loving her and putting her first came as easy as breathing.

"They're trying, mom. That's what matters." I walk away from her before she can further comment.

Brunch was delicious. I ate far more than was "lady like". I sit back in my chair smoothing out the layers of my dress and soak in the moment. Our families do not get together often for such light-hearted occasions. My mother and Carys have little in common besides a grandchild and being widows. It was my father, Arlo, and Ro's father, Lowry, who were best friends. If Lowry had not died when Rowan was a baby, I'm sure our families would have been much closer. My parents and Ro's parents were all members of the Order. I suspect drama from that time lingers between my mom and Carys, though neither would admit it. In fact, no one talks about the drama from that time. From what I can gather, it must've been pretty bad.

Of the seven members of the previous generation of the Order, only four remain. My mom, Ro's mom, Luca's mom, and the King. Ro's dad died when we were all babies, my dad when I was fourteen, and the other woman died in duty when we were kids. The only time the four remaining members is at special Council meetings or mandatory coven meetings. My mother and Luca's stay as far away from politics as possible. Luca's dad died before he was born and his mom, Estella, seems to have been in mourning since. She hardly leaves their house in the countryside.

An angry beeping noise rouses me from my reverie. I glance down to my phone to read the alert. I look up to find Ro already looking at me. I nod solemnly and we both stand. Ro gives our moms a curt nod, all business, and then heads out. I give them each a kiss on the cheek and give Lyra a lingering one before following him out. Not a word is uttered. It doesn't need to be. We all know the Order comes first. When we are called, we come.

We are one of the last ones to arrive at the training center. We strip and change into our gear as quickly as possible. Our mission parameters from Emree are brief. Time is of the essence. We roll out in tactical vehicles with a dozen of the Guard in tow.

My boots are on the ground before the vehicle comes to a halt. Sections of the warehouse are still on fire. "Briar. Bishop. Can you take care of the active fires?" They move to oblige while I turn to the others. "There are four entrances to the warehouse. Cass, Luca, Mae. Accompany three Guards each to the other exits. No one moves in until I say so." They all scatter as Ro and I approach the main entrance with the remaining Guards. I bend down and place my hand on the earth near the front entrance. "Thank you for coming along, Guard Mendoza." I whisper as I close my eyes to let the vision in.

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