Chapter 5: Familiar

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The big metal bear or rum hit the floor 'Clank' it's contents slightly splashing and soiling the freshly scrubbed floor of the guild floor, but nobody was paying attention to it not even batting an eye at it everyone was shocked by the words coming out of Natsu's.

"I'm so sorry." Natsu said lastly but Lucy probably didn't hear it as she dashed off to back room locking it behind her, several voices calling for her behind the door but she drowned them all out as her sobs filled the room and her worried plagued her thoughts.

her kids were hone and nobody had a clue where they went or even if they're alive. she's allowed to break done.


After calming down from panicking, though it was mostly happy. The twin opted for looking for another way out of the room and finding Natsu before he gets worried. "Should we carry the books?" Zerra asked

"I guess we should."

"They're so heavy tho, we wouldn't be in this mess if they weren't." his sister wined but her face soon lit up as s   idea went off in here head. "What about a spell to make the bags lighter?"

"Do you know how to do that?" Happy questioned landing on the raven girl's head. Her smile becoming wide as she turned to her brother. "nope. but I know someone who might."

Lance signed knowing what his sister was getting at. "I'm not good at this type of magic so gimme a second lemme think." he responded massaging his templed in thought.

Zeref absentmindedly sat on his throne, thinking and feeling nothing in particular when suddenly there was a strange energy or aura in his castle.

He stood up on alert thinking it could be a threat, or atleast someone thinking they could be a threat but the energy was so light and innocent, normally he'd take this as a sign of threat but the aura also felt familiar too almost, he was curious.

He could easily try to summon it, send someone to retrieve it for him, be he felt drawn to it in the way that he had to go search for it. Climbing down the steps from his throne, the dark wizard cautiously followed the strange aura.

Zerra sat on the carpeted floor of the same strange room as she watched her brother pace back and forth for a good few minutes, her patience twiddling with every second as she watched lance try to remember how to do the spell. "ok good news and bad news." the blond boy suddenly said.

"whats the bad news?" Happy questioned "I can't remember gravity spell."

"good news?"

"I can do the spell to mimic aunty Brandish's magic. we can strink the bags, it's actually more convenient this way." the blond explained. "well get to it then i wanna leave." the raven said stretching her body as she stoof up and approached the only door in the room, which hoped was open.

Lance starting chanting something as she reach for the door handle, and turned with a pull. 'it's open' she sighned in relief as she open the door slightly and peaked out. The surrounding area was clear, they wasn't much to see besides the long clear halls, with a few outers door with in it. The halls was were arguably wide, with suits of armor and lamps adorning the walls, a fancy red carpet that seem to go forever with the hallways, placed center of the hallway. All in all where ever they were seemed to be very fancy and lavish. Probably the home or hide out of somebody very ruch and powerful.

Rich and Powerful. Now Zerra began to feel a bit of nervousness build inside her that same time a weird yet familiar feeling washing over her.

The two siblings cautiously creeped down the almost alarmingly quiet hall way.

Even though they still felt that strange magic presence, they've been walking for a while now and haven't seen or heard a soul. She doubts the place is deserted, they felt others magic presences plus this place was huge and seemingly well kept, someone or some people must be cleaning it.

which I was hard to pinpoint by the way, they felt like it surrounded them.

"Lance?" she called cautiously ahead to her brother who had taken the lead awhile ago, the boy giving a hum in recognition as he kep his eyes straight.

"How far till an exit or something?"

"pff I don't know."

Zerra paused and stared incredulously at the blond, a frown growing on her face. " do you even know where you're going?" she accused.

"Not a clue." he answered simply.


"Quiet down sheesh, I'm just walking where ever until we find an open or or better yet a Window, I don't even know if we're high up or not."

"Zerra glared holes into his back but said nothing. He was right, it was all they could do for now. There lost in these seemingly endless halls as if it were a maze.

Lance turned a cheek and rolled his eyes, "stop looking at me like that, do you have a better Id— oof!" Lance didn't get to finish his sentence as he turned the corner and bumped into something, or rather someone.


"I GOT A SOMETHING!" Levi practically shouted from her from here spot in the middle of the room, have the guilty crowding around her to see her findings. Lucy a seconds pushing through the bodies to the head of the crowd. She'd been waiting around all day, burring herself in work till her blue haired friend could give her an answer on where her missing children were.

"LEVI! Did you find them?!" Lucy questioned the smaller blue haired girl anxiously.

"Well sort of—" her eyes fell on the world less map in front of her, bringing everyone's attention to the small glowing star on the unmarked map. "I'm not sure if this is better or wors....." Levi trailed off her voice weary.

Lucy frown. "what do you mean? and what does this mean?"

"The glowing star, the map's  picking up Zerra and Lances' magic signature, or what of it can, the trial is very weak." Lucy turned hr head to the map "that doesn't look like everywhere is near there, where 'is there?'


Before Levi could speak Makarov's voice boomed through the guild.

"Alvarez." His tone was grave as he stared at the map with a  glare. Hardly anyone knew about the place and why Makarov looked so grave about it but based on his reaction they knew it wasn't good.


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 24, 2020 ⏰

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